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Campus Cutie: Chloe Bendis ’17

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.


Name: Chloe Ann Bendis

Age: 19

Year In School: Sophomore

Hometown: Kiski, Pennsylvania

High School: Saint Joseph High School

Major: Mass Communications

Sign: Aries

Interest:I love to doodle, go to the gym, and spend time with my amazing friends and family.  

Life motto: Hahaha well, I have a lot actually, but here are a few: Think good thoughts and good will find you. Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life. Where there is kindness, there is goodness & where there is goodness there is magic.

Dream Job: I’m not sure if I want to do something with broadcasting or advertising and PR, I’m still trying to figure it out.

Favorite Movies: Tangled and The Blind Side

Favorite Music: Anything but Country

Favorite Artist: Parachute

Favorite book: The Last Song

Favorite tv show: Vampire Diaries

Celebrity crush: Ian Somerhalder or Dylan O’Brien

Christina or Britney: Britney

Cup half full or half empty: Always cup half full. I always try to make the very best out of everything!

Fun fact: I’m absolutely obsessed with Ladybugs!

Dream Travel destination: Greece and Iceland

Where do you hope to be in 10 years: Extremely happy with whatever will come my way.

Brendan Dazen was born June 10th, 1994 in Pittsburgh, Pa. As a child he particapted in such activities as soccer, dance, theater, baseball, and singing. He grew up to love theater and music so much. He even landed a "Best Newcomer" award for Peters Township High School's theater department . He now attends Point Park University for Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management. He wanted to become a member of HerCampus because he wanted to share his thoughts and ideas of pop culture, music, and fashion with his campus, and hopefully other schools. Brendan has a strong interset in Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, sunflowers, fashion, adventutres, photography, concerts, and dance. He hopes in the future to be a production manager.