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Andrea Karsesnick ’15: Leader of SWSG and Intern at Maniac Magazine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.


Andrea Karsesnick (junior), leads Point Park’s chapter of the Strong Women Strong Girls club (SWSG for short) and interns at Maniac Magazine, all while still maintaining good grades and keeping a part-time job at Abercrombie & Fitch. It’s hard to imagine how she does it all, but Karsesnick, who aspires to work in a creativity department with an advertising agency, is an expert at strong organization skills and balancing her time wisely. That, combined with her willingness to help others in an upbeat fashion and constant smile, is what makes her the perfect leader for SWSG and our admirable Campus Celebrity this week!

“For me it’s all about being responsible,” said Karsesnick. “I don’t go out if I have work, school, or my internship early the next day, and that’s okay.”

That value on responsibility is an important quality to have as a mentor in SWSG, which is a multi-generational mentoring organization among elementary-aged girls, undergraduate women, and professional women. “I always loved kids, so when I came across SWSG at the involvement fair my freshman year, I thought I would give it a shot,” Karsesnick says of how she got involved initially. “Since then, it has become so much more than me just loving working with kids. It’s about empowering young girls and showing them than they can be someone, anyone they aspire to be.“ She also explains, “I want them to know that education is important and vital.”

Karsesnick’s passion for SWSG is undeniable as she lights up with excitement every time she talks about the club.  Her leadership has made a strong impact on inner city girls already, and she should feel proud knowing she’s made many young girls smile with her ability to always put others first. Karsesnick is always looking to recruit more members. “When I joined there were only 10 members, now we have 33!”

For more information about Strong Women Strong Girls, visit swsg.org, or contact Andrea to get involved!

Sophomore transfer from the best chapter- Point ParkNow at Robert Morris U (looking to start a new chapter)Member of Delta Zeta SororityPublic Relations/Advertising