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8 Great Supplements for Collegiettes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

This article was written by Simone Keibler

While the days left in the semester grow shorter and shorter, and your stress levels grow higher, it might be a good time to PAUSE, and think about how you are feeling because YOU ARE WORTH IT.

If you have not had the time to catch those recommended eight hours of Zzzz’s per night, or go for a walk for those 30 minutes every day, perhaps you could work it in over Thanksgiving break as well as look into helpful products to help you take of you, and your body too.

Here are eight supportive supplements any girl could use:

  1. Beauty Multivitamin

Are you feeling sluggish or just not glowing how you want to? Not only do these powerful caplets give you your vitamin intake for the day, providing you with essential antioxidants and energy level support, but they also have a formula for giving you the beautiful hair, skin, and nails you have always wanted.

  1. Lean Shake and Lean Bar

This ready-to-go snack is handy for kickin’ your hunger to the curb when you are studying or on the go! The shake is packed with your daily nutritional needs in terms of vitamins and proteins, and the bar is a great low-calorie and high-protein option as well. You can use this delicious pumpkin experience as a snack or even as a meal replacement.

  1. Wheybolic 60

This top-notch whey hydrolyzed isolate has 20g of highly absorbable and fast acting protein, providing your muscles with the BCAAs they need to build and maintain muscle. Proteins are also good for feeling fuller longer, which may assist in weightloss. You may ask, is it really worth the price tag though? That’s up to you, but you do get what you pay for when it comes to Wheybolic 60.

  1. African Black Soap

What the heck is this anyways? You may have heard of it, with growing popularity among users who struggle with redness of skin or acne. Use this natural soap bar on your skin and see your skin’s natural beauty. Be careful with the towel you use with it though! It is a black bar of soap and could leave traces.

  1. Coconut Oil

You may have been hearing the fad of coconut oil, but what’s it good for anyways??

Choose a more natural and effective way to take off your makeup, hydrate your skin,  deep condition your hair, or even whiten your teeth! This multipurpose product is a must have for young ladies.

  1. Pure Castile Soap

Never know what to use to clean off those makeup brushes that have been sitting in your bag at home? Try applying this whenever you feel your brushes could use a bit of cleaning to help give you an even spread.

  1. Stress & Anxiety Day and Night

Wake up. Class. Class. Meeting. Class. Work. Homework. Housework. Internship… being a college student can be stressful. It might not help you have more free time, but it will help you relax a bit. This proven effective supplement might do you just the trick.

  1. Cranberry Chews

Having any urinary tract problems? Many ladies are right there with you, and some cranberry chews can be your cure. This yummy chew is like a candy, but you can taste more than just the rainbow.

Good luck studying, and take advantage of some of these beneficial supplements. Gear up for winter and be nice to your body, you only have one!

Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.