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7 Thanksgiving Foods We Are All Excited For

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.


Mashed Potatoes and Gravy

Mashed potatoes and gravy are a classic part of Thanksgiving dinner. Whether they are storebought or homemade, everyone is excited to eat them on the big day of feasting!



Cranberries are a very popular side on this special day. Whether they are canned and sliced or added to special homemade dishes, they are a well-known facet of Thanksgiving dinner.



Rolls are the bread and butter to any Thanksgiving dinner (literally!). They fill up the guests allowing for large amounts of leftovers of the other delicious food.


Sweet Potatoes

Another classic dish is sweet potatoes. Whether they are sliced into chunks, or added into special creations, sweet potatoes are a much loved part of the Thanksgiving tradition. My personal favorite is when they are topped with marshmallows.


Pumpkin Pie

We all know that pumpkin is a HUGE flavor of the fall season. The king of pumpkin is the one that started it all, the classic pumpkin pie. This treat topped with a little whipped cream will have everyone excited for Thanksgiving.



Stuffing is the partner in crime to turkey! Without stuffing, the holiday feast of Thanksgiving would not be the same! Even if you don’t like stuffing, you are still going to eat it on Thanksgiving.  



Thanksgiving wouldn’t be the same without good old fashion turkey. Even our forefathers had turkey at the early Thanksgiving dinners! Nowadays you can even deep fry your turkey if you’re interested in a crispy turkey on National Turkey Day.