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7 Reasons to Look Forward to Your Next Birthday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.


I have birthday on the brain because my birthday is right around the bend! Most people already love their birthdays simply because it is their day although some people still do not look forward to their birthdays. Here are seven reasons to look forward to your next birthday.



One of the most common reasons to look forward to birthdays is presents! Everyone loves to get special surprises that make him or her feel appreciated and loved. While this may not be the best reason to look forward to your upcoming birthday it certainly is still a great part.



Birthdays also allow for large excessive amounts of fun. Most people try to take off work around their birthdays to allow for celebration. This reduces stress and allows you to just kick back and enjoy the fact that it is your day to celebrate.



Excessive amounts of fun also come with excessive amounts of alcohol. While fun can be had without alcohol, especially if you’re not the big two-one, it definitely livens the fun up a bit! Once you are 21 alcohol is often bought for you when you’re out celebrating your day and who doesn’t like free stuff? Especially when it’s as expensive as alcohol can be!



For those who do not like massive amounts of attention, birthdays are probably not their thing. Birthdays allow for attention from many different people, which can provide contact with people that you do not usually talk to.



Since birthdays provide excessive amounts of fun, many people come together to celebrate your special day. This provides an unique sense of togetherness, brining together people that you might not have seen in quite some time.



Whether you’re not old enough to enjoy alcohol or even if you are, sweets are another heavenly indulgence that your birthday promotes! Since it’s your birthday calories do not count and all the sweetly pleasures that your parents, friends, and coworkers are giving to you are so worth it and need to be enjoyed.


Another Year Older Another Year Wiser

My favorite part of birthdays is this simple phrase. With every year brings us more knowledge about life in general. These life lessons that we have learned in the past year can be used in every year continuing. Making us another year older, but also another year wiser.