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5 Ways To Fuel Your Spring Work Out

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

Getting a late start to your pre-summer workout routine? Having a hard time finding the energy to exercise regularly? Here are 5 different ways on how to maintain your energy and drive to feel the burn!:

1.)    Eat Well

They weren’t lying when they said “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” Starting your day out with a balanced meal gives your body the essential nutrients it needs to feel energized and start your day. Not planning on working out until later? Keep your energy up throughout the day with small but nutritious snacks to keep you going pre-workout. Pairing fruits and veggies with protein such as peanut butter or cream cheese keeps you strong and ready to sweat!

2.)    Stay Hydrated

This is a no-brainer. We simply need water to live, but staying hydrated is one of the top ways to keep your energy up! Bored of drinking just plain water? Mix it up with adding nutritious elements to your beverage. Adding a few drops of pure lemon, lime, or other citrus fruits not only add great taste, but also help eliminate waste in your urinary tract. Also try adding cucumbers in your drink to help eliminate waste and make a refreshing glass of water!

3.)    Spice Up Your Tunes

Listening to the same music every workout can become repetitive and boring. Update your workout soundtrack by finding new artists to listen to or by adding new hits from your favorite artists to your list. This will keep your routine fresh, electrifying, and can possibly introduce you to new artists to listen to!


4.)    Get Outside!

After being cooped up inside during this harsh winter, the light is finally visible at the end of the tunnel! The weather is becoming warmer, the snow is melting, and the skies will be brighter than ever! Change up your routine by going for a run or walk on the sidewalk and inhale the fresh air! The benefits of vitamin D from the sun will also boost your energy and keep you refreshed for the rest of the day.

5.)    Have a Goal in Mind

The best approach for achieving something is having a goal in mind. What do you want the result to be from your workout routines? Are you trying to lose weight? Or do you simply just want to feel better all around? Knowing what you want to achieve will keep your motivation high and positive thoughts will keep your energy rising!

Sticking to a routine or always feeling energized can be a challenge, but staying hydrated, keeping a balanced diet, and keeping your goals in mind will assist you in becoming successful with your spring workout!


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Allie Duda

Point Park

Allison (Allie) Duda is a sophomore Mass Communications major. She loves all aspects in the media, and hopes to dabble in all of it someday. In her free time, she enjoys going to museums, doing freelance photography work, spending time with loved ones, shopping, and watching tv/films. Check out her website at www.allisonduda.wordpress.com
Lexie Mikula is senior Mass Communications major at Point Park University from Harrisburg, PA. Lexie held the position of Campus Correspondent and contributing editor-in-chief of HC Point Park from May 2014 - May 2016. In addition to social journalism and media, she enjoys rainy days in the city, dogs with personality, watching The Goonies with her five roommates (and HC teammates!), and coffee... copious amounts of coffee.