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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.

I really need to read more. With classwork and assigned reading, I haven’t had the opportunity to read for pleasure since winter break. Even though summer isn’t my favorite season, I am looking forward to reading books I choose on my own. I thought it would be fun to recommend some books I’ve read during past summers for you all to take a look at:

Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel

Please read the book first! I promise you reading this before watching the movie will be so much better. This book is amazing, it’s a Mexican soap opera, cookbook, and love story all in one. It follows Tita, who wants to marry her lover, but her evil mother tries to control her life and makes it impossible for Tita to be happy. Tita finds relief in her love for cooking and the hope that true love conquers all.

A Model Summer by Paulina Porizkova

A very young girl named Jirina moves to Paris in the 1970’s to work as a high fashion model after being discovered. She finds love in two men, an older photographer and a young lover who is instantly smitten with her. This book shows a scary side to the fashion industry and when reading this you can’t help but feel like you’re in the chaotic world. Fun fact: real life supermodel Paulina Porizkova wrote this, you can’t help but wonder how she got her inspiration. This book embodies simplicity and a consistent writing style. It’s one of my favorites.

Rita Moreno: A Memoir by Rita Moreno

If you are a lover of West Side Story, or just a fan of Ms. Moreno then you have to read her memoir. She left nothing out. She talks to about her humble beginnings as a Puerto Rican woman in Hollywood in the early 50s, to her long love affair with Marlon Brando. She even dated Elvis Presley! This book is amazing and teaches you that hard work really does pay off and love will eventually come to you. Don’t settle for someone who only wants you when it’s convenient for them.

Happy reading!