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16 Ways To Know If You’re Basic

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Point Park chapter.


Have you ever been called basic? Most of us who have don’t know why. Basic can be easily described as common or unoriginal. So, why would someone call us that? Maybe it was for that one time we went out at midnight to get a Taylor Swift album or the one too many Instagram post of our pets. There are many ways you can be ”basic”, but here are the top 16 ways you know for sure that you’re a basic b**tch.


16. You Snapchat every time you get Hibachi

We know what a hibachi table looks like. What we don’t know is why you have to remind us every time you go to one. Maybe snap something important like, I don’t know, a good grade on an exam or maybe even your face.


15. You shop at Aeropostale

That was cute when you were 12 and in 2007. It’s 2014 and is sheer basicness now. I don’t care how cheap it is, so is H&M and Forever 21. Shop there.

14. You listen to One Direction

Yes they are cute, but they are annoying and overexposed. Maybe try The Beatles… If you know who they are.


13. You order mac and cheese from Panera

As a former Panera employee, there isn’t anything as basic as this. You can tell the basics when they are sitting in Panera with their mac and cheese and strawberry smoothie. Stop


12. You think Katy Perry is a revolutionary artist

I don’t call her Basic Perry for a reason… that’s all.


11. You love coconut flavored everything.

Tropical smells are nice, but you don’t have to tell everyone how much you love them. We get it. Coconut is your favorite scent.

10. You edit your photo to the point where it isn’t even you.  

We know you want to be a model, but that doesn’t mean you photo shop yourself in every single picture. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

9. You watch Pretty Little Liars.

I really don’t care who A is, okay?



8. You read Nicholas Sparks.

The Last Song, Dear John, The Notebook. Yes we know, they are great. But, there are other things you can read. Like your college text book. You want that A?


7. Your perfect date is going to a coffee shop

“Where do you want to go on our first date?” “Starbucks?” “That’s perfect”. Um, how about something exciting like a science center or museum.


6. You have a deep obsession with frozen yogurt and smoothies.

Strawberry is your favorite and a night out with the girls is to Sincerely Yogurt. My inner 8th grader loved that but if you’re in college, please think of something else.


5. You even step foot into Abercrombie and Fitch  

We can’t be friends if you do this.


4. Your dream vacation is Disney World

Don’t get me wrong, I love Disney. Mickey and Minnie are awesome. However, Rome and Paris exist too. Just think of that.


3. Your world revolves around your Instagram

“My selfie didn’t get 10 likes, should I take it down?” Um, yes please. We get it. You love Instagram. However, if I see more than 5 hashtags… I will unfollow and deem you basic.


2. You have seen The Notebook at least 10 times

It’s cute. I have seen it. But if you have seen it 10 times or over. I will have to toss your copy of it out the window.



1. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are your favorite beverage

Basic. Basic. Basic.


How basic are you? Don’t worry, we are all a little basic. However, if have more than 10 of these, then you are basic and will be getting a Katy Perry CD for Christmas.


Brendan Dazen was born June 10th, 1994 in Pittsburgh, Pa. As a child he particapted in such activities as soccer, dance, theater, baseball, and singing. He grew up to love theater and music so much. He even landed a "Best Newcomer" award for Peters Township High School's theater department . He now attends Point Park University for Sports, Arts, and Entertainment Management. He wanted to become a member of HerCampus because he wanted to share his thoughts and ideas of pop culture, music, and fashion with his campus, and hopefully other schools. Brendan has a strong interset in Britney Spears, Miley Cyrus, sunflowers, fashion, adventutres, photography, concerts, and dance. He hopes in the future to be a production manager.