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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Name: Trey Maher

Year: Freshman

Major: Actuarial Mathematics

Relationship Status: Single

HC: What story does your family always tell about you?

Trey Maher: The story of when my grandma broke my nose. We were walking in a mall, and I was behind my mom and my grandma. As we were going into a store, my grandma didn’t hold the door for me, and the bar on the door was at the perfect height to smack me right in the nose!


HC: What kinds of activities are you involved in here at Pitt?

TM: Mostly club wrestling and I’m looking into getting involved with Habitat for Humanity with some guys on my floor.


HC: Who is your favorite superhero and why?

TM: Oh, damn, this is like picking your favorite child. I’d have to go with Ironman because he’s an invincible millionaire genius.


HC: What’s your favorite Netflix show to binge watch?

TM: Right now, I’m watching Friday Night Lights, but I was watching West Wing before that. When more Breaking Bad episodes go on Netflix, I think I’ll end up get hooked on that too.


HC: Do you have any good proposal ideas for when you meet “The One?”

TM: I’d hike up on top of the Rocky Mountains to get a nice look of the vista and then propose.

HC: What’s the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?

TM: The time I tripped at the Parade of Champions. It’s a wrestling tournament tradition where you shake hands with your opponents. I just walked out in front of everyone and tripped!


HC: Will you be participating in no shave November?

TM: No, I couldn’t do it. I can’t get a full beard, so it’s like a dirty blonde half-beard that just DOESN’T look right.

HC: You’re going to do something for a girl on a special occasion; do you pick flowers, chocolates, or something totally different?

TM: I normally go with chocolates and a movie. Or maybe a date in front of a fireplace on a bear pelt rug.


HC: What did you do growing up that got you into trouble?

TM: I was THE perfect child…No, I’m kidding. Probably making smart-ass comments to my parents.


HC: If someone were to meet you for the first time today, what do you think his or her initial impression of you would be?

TM: Have I ever said I hate talking about myself? [laughs] I don’t know. I’ve heard so many different people tell me different things that I’m not sure what someone would think.



Photo Credit: 1, Trey’s Facebook page

Hi, I'm Alex, and I'm a sophomore here at Pitt. Though I primarly edit articles for Daily Life at Her Campus, I also sometimes get the courage (or am forced...nicely) to write something. I love converse, Carl Sagan, big dogs, and cereal (for every meal of the day), and I enjoy watching videos of other people taking long walks on the beach. Sarcasm is my native language.
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