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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

It could be the changing leaves or dreary sky, but there is just something about the fall that makes me want to curl up on the couch with a good book. It could be a mystery, or maybe a festive romcom, but I just want it to have that cozy feeling to match the comforting vibes of the fall and winter seasons. Here are some of my favorite cozy books to read in the upcoming weeks when you feel like spending a night in, with your nose buried in a good book. 

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalo 

The title doesn’t exactly give off cozy vibes, but I promise that the series is well worth the read. It follows the main character, Audrey Rose, as she vies for acceptance as a woman in the forensics field in the late 1800s. She tries to uncover the identity of Jack the Ripper as he prowls the streets of London. 

This book gives off ominous and mysterious vibes, which is perfect for reading on a rainy day in front of the fireplace. It’s compelling and adventurous but also contains an undertone of beauty and comfort in all the right places. It’s a different take on a so-called cozy book, but the period and setting add to the overall feel of a cozy read.

Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren 

Love and Other Words is perfect to read on a nice winter day while curled up under a big fluffy blanket. The main character, Macy runs into her first love Elliot, after years apart, just as she thinks that she finally has her life figured out. It alternates between the past and present, and it follows Macy and Elliot’s friendship as it blossomed so long ago and how it all fell apart. And as adults, they try to rebuild that friendship that they used to have, and the possibility for more may just be possible. 

The entire basis of the book is about books, and it gives off such a comforting atmosphere and warm feeling while reading. Several scenes between the two characters are very personal and intimate, which creates that cozy feeling.

The Guest List by Lucy Foley 

The Guest List by Lucy Foley provides a very calming but also intriguing ambiance. The story follows the perspectives of six different guests after there is a murder during one of the biggest weddings of the year. It’s a mystery with many twists and turns, but it won’t make you scared to go to bed at night. It keeps you guessing until the very end and it’s perfect for a day in. The setting and tone of the entire book make for the perfect mix of cozy and mystery.

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 

I’m not a big fan of classics, but Pride and Prejudice is the one exception…and the perfect cozy book. It follows the young Elizabeth Bennet and her relationship with Fitzwilliam Darcy. The two must overcome their pride as well as their preconceived notions of one another. 

The book has a certain simplicity to it, but in the best possible way, and it is just a beautiful representation of love. The atmosphere and period give off a warm, fuzzy feeling the entire time reading the book. 

If you are looking for a nice cozy book to read during the upcoming dull and drab weather that the fall and winter months bring, I highly recommend giving at least one of these books a read. 

Ella is currently a freshman at the University of Pittsburgh pursuing a degree in Communications. She loves reading and writing in her free time and loves getting to talk about important topics or events in the media.