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Summer Recap at Redbook

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

     This past spring, the Fashion Assistant at Redbook Magazine in New York City informed me that I was accepted as one of her three summer interns in the Fashion department. Redbook is a Hearst-published magazine along with such publications like Seventeen, Elle, Cosmopolitan, and Marie Claire. Naturally, I was completely overwhelmed and elated by the opportunity. Since I’m originally from New Jersey, this meant that I’d be spending my summer at home and would have to commute in and out of NYC every weekday. I’d wake up at 6:30 a.m., commute, work, commute home, and finally make it to my bed by around 8:30 p.m.

     As I reflect back on my time at Redbook, I realize I’ve faced both the expected and the unexpected. On my first day, I walked in with coffee-able hands–ready to carry loads of coffee for my fashionable bosses. I anticipated the online fashion intern job description would fly out the window faster than I could say “Gucci.” But as my laid-back, young boss, Julia, led me around the office, I could tell things would be different.
     Julia, my boss, is the Fashion Assistant to Cris the Fashion Editor. On that first day, Julia sported a
slicked back ballerina bun with bright turquoise pants and a classy animal-printed blouse and began showing me around the office.
     “Here’s where you can make yourself coffee if you want–help yourself, it’s free!”
     There, in that moment, my coffee-loving, fashion-admiring self realized I lucked out at this place.
     Julia proceeded to show me the giveaway tables, where leftovers and free items (from meetings, fashion shows, and photo shoots), were left for anyone at Redbook to take. Then, I casually met the people working in the Art and Copy departments before heading to my desk. The neatly organized, paper filled desk with a large screen white Mac computer was one of two desks for interns to use. The other was back in the fashion “closet”.
     I put the term “closet” in quotation marks because if this were my closet, I think I’d be living in a very different world. This “closet” is actually a smaller office amongst others on Redbook‘s side of the 22nd floor, and it overlooks a stunning view of uptown Manhattan. It’s filled with multiple racks of both expensive and inexpensive clothes. At this point in the summer, designers and PR companies would mainly send Fall 2012 apparel. Furthermore, the closet has four tall cases with multiple shelves for samples like shoes, bags, hats, scarves, jewelry, tights, socks, etc.
     There are two desks in this “closet,” one for the Fashion Director, Audrey, (the head honcho of this department), and one for the interns. Above the intern desk, one can find binders upon binders filled with thousands of sheets and invoices of all the designer samples coming in and out of the closet on a daily basis. Julia and Cris also pull items to potentially shoot for upcoming stories in an issue months ahead of reality.
     That’s where myself and the other two interns came in. As samples arrived in the closet, we were responsible for unpacking them, labeling them according to where they came from, and photographing them for our record. Then, we had to organize them neatly into the closet so that when it’s time for the stylist to recreate her vision for a story, all of the samples are readily available and easy to rummage through.

But I quickly learned my time at Redbook wouldn’t solely revolve around these packages. I was also able to go directly to showrooms throughout the city and pick up samples. I’d spot previews of new clothes for the upcoming seasons and get an inside glimpse at how PR companies organize their work. I also had the privilege of attending the fashion photoshoots for Redbook at various in-studio and out-of-studio locations throughout the city (and sometimes out of it!) This meant that I got to meet tons of interesting and creative people: photographers, makeup artists, models, and more. At fashion shoots, it was my responsibility to help set up all the clothes and accessories for the shoot, steam out any wrinkles in these beautiful garments, and help the fashion team with whatever they may need. I also organized look books that designers sent to our offices and helped set up for every “run through” (where the Editor-in-Chief of Redbook reviews all the fashion looks before the shoot is set). This behind-the-scenes look into a fashionable world felt like something straight out of a movie and I feel truly lucky to have been there.
     The Fashion Director presented me with another awesome opportunity in July. She chose me to model for a Redbook fashion segment on Good Morning America on ABC. This meant that a car would come pick me up from my house in New Jersey at 4 a.m. and bring me to the ABC studios for hair and make up at 5 a.m. Then, by approximately 8:15 in the morning, I stood in front of a camera on live television (trying not to throw up!) and modeled my Carrie Underwood inspired look. This all took place in Central Park, within the crowd at the GMA Luke Bryant concert. I felt excited, anxious, horrified, exhilarated, and honored all at the same time. (Not to mention I was wearing HUGE heels and all I could think about was falling down like Whitney Port did on The Hills…remember that?) But, despite my nerves, I made it through. I wouldn’t trade this opportunity or anything I faced at Redbook for anything!

     Last but not least, I was lucky to have worked with some of the coolest people I’ve ever met and sure enough, became such good friends with the other two interns I worked with—Chelsea and April. I’m certain that not all internships are as amazing as this one that the three of us shared, so I know we’ll always look back on this worthwhile summer. I expect to have ones that I will not enjoy and others that will lead to my future. I can’t explain how much I appreciated my time at Redbook and hope that everyone with the same career path as me will come across such a fantastic, door-opening experience!


Claire is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh, double majoring in Nonfiction English Writing and Communication Rhetoric. She is one of two Campus Correspondents for HC Pitt and has held internships at Redbook Magazine and Verve Social Magazine. Claire is from Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, not too far from New York City. Her interests include fashion, writing, traveling (she spent a semester abroad in Australia!), and spending time with friends and family. Claire aspires to obtain a career working for a fashion magazine in New York City after she graduates.