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Summer is Almost Here, What Now?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

As the air gets sweeter, the sun gets hotter, your skin gets tanner, and the nights get longer, how could you be expected to focus on finals? I for one spend more time at the library making summer bucket lists and researching places I want to visit this break than I do studying. I think we can all agree we’re more focused on just getting past these last few weeks of school so we can finally be unrestricted and enjoy the summer. Whether you have an internship, summer job, or you’re taking classes, everyone has to have a summer getaway. Even if it’s only a state away, taking advantage of the free time the summer offers is important. But how do you choose where you want to go?


Adventurer, Nature-lover, Beach bum, or Explorer?

Which one are you? If the idea of cliff jumping, mountain hiking, or off-roading interests you, you’re an adventurer at heart. Are you captivated by the beauty of the nature around you? Do you want to see sights few people ever have? Then nature lover it is! Does the idea of soaking in the rays of the sun all day then watching the sunset under a tiki hut with a margarita in your hand entice you? You are truly a beach bum. Do you want to be completely emerged in a foreign culture? Go shopping in an ethnic market with food and items you’ve never experienced before? Then you’re an explorer! Finding out which type of traveler you are is important because from there you can decide what type of vacation to take to get the most enjoyment out of it! Check out this link to an online quiz to help figure out what kind of traveler you are. Although I thought I’d be a beach bum, to my surprise I’m an adventurous traveler! That just further proves that maybe you aren’t exactly sure what you want and after all, vacation is all about enjoying yourself!


Where do you want to go?

So you’ve figured out what type of vacationer you are, what’s next? Now you can move on to figuring out where you want to go! Taking into consideration the type of traveller you are, where have you always wanted to go? Maybe there’s an activity you’ve always wanted to try or a beach you’ve always wanted to lay on. Start there; with places you’ve always dreamed of visiting, and make those dreams a reality. 


How do you get there?

Honestly, once you graduate college, when are you going to be able to find time to take your dream vacation? Once you finish up with school you’ll be so concentrated on finding a job, paying off loans, and doing other grown-up things that take away from the time and effort to plan a trip. Why not let someone else plan it for you? How about a reliable company whose been regarded as one of the best for young adult travel? What you’re looking for is Contiki. Contiki is a premier international tour agency mainly focused on vacationers ages 18-35 that offers trips in over 46 countries and six continents. From quick getaways that last under a week to trips as long as six weeks, Contiki has the trip you are looking for. Below I’ve attached a link to their site, along with the Her Campus Pitt Meets Contiki Facebook page where you’ll be able to check out more information on them!


Her Campus Pitt Meets Contiki Facebook Page


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