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STFU: The Most Annoying Facebook Habits

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Over the past few years, Facebook has become such an essential part of life that most users log on multiple times a day. In doing so, they see many updates from their friends, acquaintances, and a few people they’ve never met before. But you don’t need me to tell you that, you’ve probably been Facebooking for years! So much so that the word Facebook has actually turned into a verb, but I digress. While you’re checking your newsfeed you probably see some updates that just bug the crap out of you. Or maybe you don’t, and you’re guilty of the very behaviors that inspired this article. So cut it out, or risk being defriended.

1. Emo statuses: It seems like a lot of people use Facebook to complain. Which is fine, I do it quite often (except I prefer to write entire articles about it). But when all your statuses feature you ranting about how depressed you are because your life sucks, you should probably look into some professional help. It’s more effective than bumming out all your friends that don’t seem to make you any happier. However, in my opinion, most people just write depressing statuses to get attention. In this case, it’s best to just stop altogether.

2. Too many updates: With the development of Facebook mobile came the constant updater. This is the person that posts meaningless statuses such as “OMG just ate breakfast lol” and “just got home from class yayy.” These people also tend to tell you where they are at any given point of the day. If you are one of these compulsive status creators, you should probably stop mainly to avoid making it easier for people to stalk you offline.

3. TMI: I will never understand why, but some people like to broadcast all their personal drama on their Facebook. I’m talking about statuses that say something along the lines of, “My boyfriend just cheated on me AGAIN. What a jerk.” I can only assume that they’re trying to get back at this person by alerting everyone of his misgivings, but all it does is make them look stupid for falling for a guy like that. If you’re guilty of this habit, stop embarrassing yourself and grow up a little.

4. Giving a maybe RSVP: When someone invites you to an event and you click the “Maybe” button, it’s assumed that once you figure out what you’re doing, you will eventually change your maybe response into a definite answer. However, this rarely actually happens. Most people just wait until the day of the event and see if there’s anything better to do. This is fine if the event is a large, public one hosted by your school or some large organization like that. But, if the event is smaller and the host needs to know how many people are actually coming, there’s nothing more frustrating than figuring out the group of Maybe’s. So, make up your mind and just tell them yes or no.

5. Not changing habits: Possibly the most annoying thing you can do in terms of Facebook is see something that calls attention your bad habits, identify that you do those things, and then don’t change your actions. There are lots of YouTube videos, meme websites, and certain Hercampus articles that make fun of people’s antics of Facebook but nothing ever changes. So, help make the Facebook community a better place, and stop losing friends, and just use Facebook for what it’s meant for: stalking… Just kidding.

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.