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Recap: Gossip Girl Season 6 Premiere [SPOILERS]

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

OMGG!! This season premiere was quite exciting! Sadly as GG informed us, this will be the final season. Lets get started! By the way, there will be spoilers so just a heads up!

Dan and Georgina are off in Italy writing their new book about the Upper East Side. He has stupidly teamed up with her in hopes to save any of his “15 minutes of fame.” When the Bass Family reconnected, they realized they had not heard from Serena in three months. Without them knowing, Serena was found overdosed on a train by a bystander after Blair and Dan told her to stay out of their life for good.

Chuck and Blair decided to make a pact about their relationship as the two of them went their separate ways for the summer. Blair to Paris to work on her mother’s clothing line and Chuck to Dubai to figure out what his dad was hiding. Chuck ends up bringing back Mr. Bass’s translator while he was in Dubai, hoping to crack a secret that his dad was keeping from him. Nate on the other hand, has stayed in New York to try and figure out who this beloved Gossip Girl character is and running “The Spectator” with no funds from outside sources. Hold on tight, we are only 10 minutes into the show.

Soon everyone is on a full out search looking for Serena (like always, sorry but how many times can you run away from “your problems.”) Nate turns in some juicy information to Gossip Girl to get directions to Serena. We are soon brought to a beautiful, modern house where only a “Sabrina” is available. The crew (Georgina, Dan, Nate, Chuck and Blair) are soon rushing into the home to find Serena in a white dress and a wedding set up. Wait, Serena, I mean Sabrina, is getting married?! Blair immediately thinks of a plan and runs up to the alter and explains who “Sabrina” really is. Only to find out, Serena is the bridesmaid for her two gay friends’ wedding. Whoops.

All while this is going down, we realize that Rufus has taken in Ivy and planned to open a new studio. Only later down the road do we find out the two of them are dating. Back to Serena, she sits everyone down and tells her side of the story. She wanted a fresh start and they only way to do that was lie about her name and her past. Blair tries to apologize to Serena but is told to stay away. Much to my liking, Dan was slapped twice this episode. Good. He deserves it.

At the end of the episode, Chuck and Blair are in a limo with a ring…engagement ring perhaps? Serena and Steven come back to NYC even though she wanted to create a whole new person. (I am so confused about her, season 1 Serena welcome back you hot mess.)

Mr. Bass gives the girl from Dubai $10 million to be quiet about a secret she doesn’t even know about. Dan who has been away for a while writing, walks into the apartment and sees his Dad and Ivy in bed, together. Well Dan, meet your new possible Stepmother. As for next week, Nate goes on date with high schooler (whoa!) First he was going for cougars and now he is the cougar! Gossip Girl’s last season promises to be a crazy one. There are 9 episodes left so get on the bandwagon while its still moving!! XOXO, HC 

I have been a proud Her Campus writer since my freshman year at Pitt and I am now the Social Media Editor for the chapter. So excited to see where the chapter will go but sadly I am a senior graduating in 2015 with a Communication and Art History major and Film Studies minor.
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.