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The Real Man VS. The Television Man

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

     The love of my life is from Dylan, Texas.  He is sincere and hardworking with a bit of a stutter that can make any girl smile.  At times, the weights of his problems are too much to handle, and you just want to reach through and comfort him.  One time he made me swoon when he uttered the words, “my eyes were wide open” when throwing the winning pass in the Panthers football game. Oh, did I forget to mention my love is Matt Saracen from Friday Night Lights?
 If you are a film fanatic, like me, you know how easy it is to fall over the characters and sometimes wish they existed. I mean take Dexter; sure he’s a psychopath with major social problems, but we all love him anyway. I’m sure if you met him in real life, you would still love him. Okay maybe not, his “God Complex” would get annoying.  Eric from True Blood, …no, no girl likes it when a guy is extremely possessive. Michael Wes ten from Burn Notice, although his ability to make it almost out of every situation is hot, who has the time to pick out the right outfit for all his weapons. If none of these guys will work in real life, why is it that we compare the onscreen guy to the one right beside us? 
     So the guy right beside you is not a mystical creature of the night who looks gorgeous in a black leather jacket with a dangerous smile that you can not resist and just happens to be completely obsessed with you, (I’m looking at you Elena Gilbert, Matt is just as equally hot). He could just be your average guy. You know, an engineering major who works part time at a bar and loves to ski. Or a guy that is deadly in Ultimate Frisbee and will eat just about anything you cook for him. They are all around us, waiting to strike up a conversation. 

      So why do we continue to ignore them and fantasize about these characters? Is it because we love to fantasize? Is it because they are unattainable and exciting? Is it because we seriously need a life and need to go outside? Who knows?  All I know is that the more we compare fictional men to the real life guy who is right next door; we will never meet a” Matt Saracen.” I mean most of these characters have either emotional and abandonment issues, or you just cannot figure them out, and no one wants to deal with that drama.  I once imagined that Dean Winchester from Supernatural would pick me up outside of class in his 67’ Chevrolet Impala and we would just ride until we found some demons and fight them with holy water. Although Dean’s daddy and abandonment issues are a turn on, in reality if a guy ever did that I would say, boy quit playing you crazy and run the other way.

     So, ladies turn off that channel and notice the guys around you. They are much more fun, sweet, and know how to have a good time, and most importantly real (pipe down Pinocchio) and when you think about it, nothing is average about that.

Samantha Saenz is a senior at Pitt. She is a Communication Science and Disorders major with a theatre minor. Sam loves movies and great TV shows and will probably write about it at least 90% of the time. She is in Pitt Ballet Club and has enjoyed her time with the girls from HerCampus Pitt.
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.