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Pulling a Peter Pan: How to Maintain Your Youth over Time

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

When we were children, didn’t we all wish we could be all “grown-up?” And now, when we are legally adults and faced with the decisions that accompany freedom, I wonder what all the fuss was about. Sure, being 21 is great; I love not having to stand outside Hem’s when my friends are inside cooling down after a heavy session of Geomorphology, but getting older suddenly isn’t such a fun prospect anymore. Why should we let the magic of youth slip by us? The best things about youth always seem to slide away first; here are some tips for holding on to what makes us young at heart, no matter how much Father Time tries to push us along.


1. Maintain Youthful Skin

Over time, exposure to the sun’s harmful UV rays and living through rotating seasons can leave marks on your skin, especially delicate facial skin. Luckily, with a little good practice, you can alleviate most of your skincare woes. As a person who has been graced with [relatively] clear skin since childhood, I can say that one major tip is using minimal makeup. Foundation, blush, concealer – while these products seem heaven-sent, they can cause your skin to become wrinkly and look older underneath the products. Instead, try highlighting your natural beauty by enhancing your eyes (though again, go easy on the eyeshadow) and lips. A little makeup never hurts, but make sure your skin can breathe!

Another important regiment is using sunscreen. Even in the winter, UV rays from the sun are strong enough to give you a touch of sunburn and add wrinkles to your face. Make sure to check that the SPF is at least above 30. Check out the American Association of Dermatology for more details on choosing the right sunscreen for you. But do buy some. You’ll thank me later.

Lastly, make sure to wash your face regularly. I’d recommend using a light facial wash, nothing too strong or perfumed, morning and night. Honestly, I sometimes am guilty of skipping the face wash in the morning and opting for regular water, but at night, face wash will cleanse your skin of all the dirt and sweat clustered in your pores. Sorry if that’s gross, but it’s the truth. Clean skin comes with the price of knowing that dirt will colonize your face if you don’t act soon.


2. Drink Plenty of Water

The doctors recommend 8 glasses of water a day, and there’s a good reason why. Water replaces the fluid you lose daily by sweating and even breathing. It also replaces the water lost in your skin; dehydrated skin looks drier and wrinkled – definitely a sign of an aging body! Also, water will give you that energy boost to stay active, which will bring a healthy glow to your face and put a spring in your step.


3. Laugh More

Laughter really is the best medicine! For one, it releases endorphins, those “feel-good” hormones in your brain, improving your overall well-being. It also boosts your immune system by increasing T-cell production (for all you bio-nerds out there). And laughter keeps your mindset positive, which is the surest way to stay young at heart. It’s too easy to get bogged down by cynicism and stress nowadays; laughing will make the journey to success that much more enjoyable. So here’s a challenge for you: each time you write LOL on Facebook, actually follow through and laugh out loud. ROFL.


4. Create Your Own Stress-Free Zone

Pitt has a stress-free zone, but you can easily make one of your own with a little innovative thinking.  Find a place where you can minimize distractions or negative influences, like a bench in the park or a corner of your basement. If you live in a dorm, try a corner of campus that you think of as a refuge. Once you’ve found the location, make it a safe haven for you. No, don’t think of what others seek refuge in. We’re talking about you. If you like music, make sure you bring your iPod with you and create a playlist for de-stressing while you’re waiting in that line at Starbucks. If yoga makes you calmer, keep a yoga mat in your stress-free zone or carry one there with you. Don’t let others accompany you to your stress-free zone; this is your special “me” time, when you can evaluate your emotions and let them settle without channelling the feelings of others. Listen to the quiet (or music) and let your mind wander. Let go of the steam. You’ll find your outlook on life much improved after even ten minutes of “me” time, and you’ll find that energy you misplaced earlier. Why? Because de-stressing allows your body to recharge. If we can spend time recharging our cell phones, why not spend five minutes recharging your body? You can live without a phone, but you live in your body.

Remember, all that it really takes to beat Father Time at his own game is having a little discipline and a lot of fun. Life’s too short for regrets and dry skin, so take the initiative to enjoy the present moment by letting your body run at its optimum level. Recharge your body and your mind, and you’ll find yourself surviving the ravages of time far better than your cohorts.


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4

I'm a senior at the University of Pittsburgh who loves traveling the world, writing, and college life in general. My majors are Environmental Studies and Biology, but I want to focus on journalism too if possible. I'm super passionate about Model United Nations, of which I am now president (yay!), and the environment. I'm a very happy, enthusiastic person who loves pickles and twizzlers and brightly-colored nailpolish and long dangly earrings, among other things. Her Campus is my favourite website and I'm so excited to be a part of Pitt's campus chapter!
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt