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Pros of Being Single In Summer

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

With classes quickly coming to an end, it’s hard not to be excited for summer! Whether you will be traveling, working, or lounging around, there’s no doubt some Vitamin D will cheer you up. To my friends in a relationship with their significant others: remember summer is a time for romance. Now, while I adore my friends being with their companions and I wish them summer bliss, I can’t help but not be jealous about being in a relationship during the summer. I mean no offense to those who are happy in their relationships and may deem me to be bitter about not having a boyfriend. This article is geared more towards those who may have called it quits in their relationships or for those who have been single for a while and are looking for a more positive outlook this summer. So who cares if Ross and Rachel are going to spend their nights together in Europe, when you’ll be spending those summer nights being oh so free! Not convinced yet? Read more reasons and quotes below from fellow singletons on why they are looking forward to the summer.

1. Freedom! This may be the basis for most of the reasons on this list, since it’s the most important. When I say freedom, I don’t just mean being able to have a fun summer fling with someone else (although that is also a pro).  I mean having the liberty of being able to do what you want and need to do without being tied down. One single lady, Brooke, describes what freedom during the summer means for her. “The summer is so short, and I want to be able to spend my time wisely. I’m doing an amazing internship in New York, but I also want to have fun with my friends when I can. If I had a boyfriend, I would have to make sure I am able to see him as much as possible, as he would probably have a crazy schedule as well. It’s almost like, what’s the point?”

2. No Guilt. Summertime usually turns me into a social butterfly. With that being said, I find summer to be the time when I get to meet more people. It’s not that you can’t do the same if you’re in a relationship; it’s just a bit different. Madison, a senior, explains her feelings further on the subject. “I’m not speaking for all couples, and every relationship is unique from one another. However, at least for mine, it felt weird making new guy friends. My ex wasn’t a jealous guy, yet I felt that there was a line I shouldn’t cross and at times this made it limiting to hang out with new friends.” During the summer, it should be refreshing being able to talk to whomever you want. 

3. Some “you” time. I personally see summer as a great time for reflection. Focus on yourself; figure out the things you want and begin going after them. As an extra bonus: whether you’ll have a busy summer or a relaxing one, you’ll have more time to do the activities you want to do without worrying if your significant other will go or want to do it with you. Go camping for a week, spend some time with the family, or try anything you wouldn’t have time for during the school year.

4. Checking in: not a problem. This one is a no-brainer. You’ll be able to go anywhere without having to make sure you text or call in on time to say goodnight to your boo. Studying abroad in Greece? Good thing you don’t have to pay extra for Wi-Fi to Skype your lover back at home. Unless of course, your mother is there driving you crazy.

I interviewed both guys and girls for their opinion on the topic. The general consensus from the guys about one of the best things about being single (besides not having to cuddle in the heat) was saving money. Brian, a junior at Pitt, says, “I spend more money in a relationship than when I am in my own. Most of the time, I don’t mind it because I want to do something nice for my girlfriend. However, it’ll be nice to spend my money on me for a change. ”

For the girls, one of the best things about being single in the summer was getting to spend more time with their friends. Jackie says, “I love being in a relationship. However, with my last ex, all my free time was spent with him. Summer in general for me is about being to able to hang out with my friends more than I usually can when being in a relationship. If I want to meet up with two different groups of friends in a night, I don’t have to worry about making sure he’s not bored or convince him to hang out with the guys on his own. Plus, I don’t have to shave my legs. Just kidding, I never do.”

See, my single friends, you don’t have to be in a relationship in order to have a steamy, fun summer. Take this summer to enjoy the single life and concentrate on you! Friends in relationships that have that “oh I feel bad they are alone look” when you speak to us about our summer plans, I’m happy you’ll get to spend time with your lover, but I would much rather spend my summer being unhitched and free!

Photo Credit: 1, 2

Samantha Saenz is a senior at Pitt. She is a Communication Science and Disorders major with a theatre minor. Sam loves movies and great TV shows and will probably write about it at least 90% of the time. She is in Pitt Ballet Club and has enjoyed her time with the girls from HerCampus Pitt.
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt