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Pitt Students You Should Be Following on Twitter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Tired of following parody accounts and TweetBots? Is your timeline in need of some new feeds, or do you simply feel as if you can’t relate to people you follow? Often, with millions of users, Twitter can become pretty hard to navigate in order to find accounts that you may have something in common with. As an avid Twitter user, I’ve spent quite some time (all of freshman year) finding new and interesting accounts to follow. Here are some Pitt students that I highly recommend checking out!


A quirky social media whiz who doubles as a Pitt Her Campus veteran, Mavis Slade is a One Direction fan and frequently interacts with her massive follower base. Mavis, who is a self-proclaimed “emoji addict” has her own YouTube channel from which she broadcasts vlogs, makeup and fashion tips, and whatever else her mood dictates! As you probably guessed, a vast majority of these videos are filmed on campus. She often tweets links to YouTube videos that she finds entertaining as well as some of her own!



Over time, Coliflower has established himself as Pitt’s ambassador to Weird Twitter. With a follower count as hefty as his, it’s likely that he’s been retweeted to your timeline on more than a few occasions. Coliflower’s offbeat sense of humor and hilarious retweets from other popular accounts have gained him wide recognition on and off Twitter as a tweeter that every Pitt student should follow.



Known affectionately as “Facebook Josh,” this account user soared to notoriety after he began making wildly hilarious posts on Pitt’s Class of 2016 group during the summer of 2012. Since that time, Josh has remained a very popular member of Pitt’s Twitter community. Also a proponent of Weird Twitter, Josh occasionally tweets provocatively and interacts with other Pitt accounts such as @PantherCentral and @PittShuttles, which makes his an increasingly entertaining account to follow.



Deezus is a very successful Twitter account with a gargantuan follower base, and if you followed her you’d immediately know why! Deezus tweets frequently and diversely, often switching from song lyrics to relationship advice to an occasional selfie. An outspoken lover of music, she sometimes will tweet at artists or post a twitpic of an album that she’s feeling at the time. With such a diverse account, there’s no wonder she has so many followers.



A newcomer to the Pitt Twitter community, this user has quickly gained popularity through her witty, sarcastic sense of humor. She frequently interacts with her followers and often tweets about campus life, her daily musings, and “the struggle.” She often shares twitpics of food, Pitt Makeouts, and the quintessential selfie.



The self-named #BadLuckBrownGirl is a new and unique user known for her outrageous and often provocative sense of humor. With a modest follower base and loads of personality, this account is far from what you’d expect of a freshman Twitter user. She’s unpredictable and ranges from hilarious twitpics, to memes, and then to the very occasional “serious tweet.” I definitely recommend this account to anyone who has a sense of humor or an interest in Bangladeshi cuisine.


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