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My V-Day Proposal: Treat Yourself!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.


Something that some girls want in February, even if they act like they don’t care about it on the outside, is a Valentine.  Valentine’s Day has become somewhat of a pressure-filled “holiday” that has caused lots of girls everywhere to find themselves in a funk.   This funk catches girls and makes them feel bad and question what’s wrong with them, but really nothing is wrong with them at all.  If anything, I think the girls who can stay away from the funk (especially when they know they’re not going to have a Valentine or be someone’s Valentine) have the right idea.  There’s absolutely no need for any girl to feel pressure to have someone on or by a certain holiday.

I could say that Valentine’s Day is a man-made holiday, solely for marketing purposes, which has been allegedly justified by Greek mythology, and dressed in some slightly religious innuendos.  Valentine’s Day should be taken advantage of as another day of the year that can be used as an excuse to treat yourself, aside from your birthday.  I have come up with a list of things that you can do for you; things that will make you feel better, refreshed and simply happy.

  • Sleep in!
  • Have a breakfast for champs! Don’t forget the fruit.
  • Take a nice hot shower/warm bath, and wash your hair.
  • Wear your favorite outfit, put a spin on it, or even go out and buy yourself a new outfit! Shopping always helps.
  • Go get your nails/toes done, or your eyebrows. Why not just make it a grooming day? Maybe even a spa day!!
  • Read a good book.
  • Have a big glass of your favorite wine (maybe some cheese & crackers, or bread with that).
  • Go out on the town, or do some sightseeing; bring friends along if you want.
  • Do something you haven’t done in a while. Maybe something you used to do when you were younger. We’re never too young for fun and games.
  • Get a bit more adventurous, and do something you’ve always wanted to do but have been too afraid to do.
  • Treat yourself to a fine meal from your favorite restaurant, or try something different. (If you’ve never tried Thai or Indian food, go for it).
  • Last, but not least, anything that you would do for your birthday, go ahead and do it on V-day.

The world is your oyster, and you have control of your own happiness. Don’t let an over-milked societal fad take over you. 

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.”~ Thich Nhat Hanh



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