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My Attempt to ‘Have It All:’ Balancing Health, School, and A Social Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

I woke up last Monday morning feeling awful. The sun was yelling at me from my window to get up, making me feel guilty about wanting to just lay in my bed forever and ever.
I could also see my books piled up on my desk, waiting for me to study them for Pitt’s form of torturing students that they call “midterms.”

I had also promised myself I would work out in the morning because I signed up for a 5k for Thanksgiving. Why did I chose to this day to start training? Well, that was what I kept asking myself as the alarm clock kept screaming louder and louder at me.


I hopped out of bed (before I could fall back asleep again) and took a picture. I was thinking maybe I could document myself by taking a before and after picture and this would give me motivation to get up and work out in the future! Before I could procrastinate the day with Facebook or Twitter, I threw on some clothes and went down to the gym in my dorm, awaiting the start of my self- inflicted abuse…

Except, it really wasn’t that bad. I actually felt that by working out I was clearing my thoughts. I soon found myself mentally setting up a study schedule in my head with my new found feeling of awesomeness. The physical activity was really pumping me up and even motivating me to complete school work. I literally felt this amazing feeling and, while I am no science major, I’m pretty sure those endorphins were kicking in!

When I finished, I felt even better and was in an awesome mood. By starting the day off on a good note, it really helped me to accomplish everything I wanted to throughout the course of the day.
Now, the trick is to keep reminding myself of that when my alarm clockgoes off at 8am.

Also, I’m pretty sure Freshens’ fro- yo blasts are not going to cut it for the diet of someone who is training for a 5k. (How could I possibly stop getting those Reese’s fro- yo blasts from my girl Clarissa, though? She even knows my name and my order!)

So, that is my next step in this whole figuring out how to juggle life thing. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe the pressure of telling you guys every week or so will help me eat better!

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.