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Let’s Talk About Sex (In Public!), Baby!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

On Tuesday, November 1st, Dr. Juicy Justine came to educate The University of Pittsburgh students on sexual health. This seminar was packed with people ready to listen and learn. For college students, sexual education is relevant and definitely needed. She incorporated humor into the seriousness of the conversation. Sure, sometimes there were a few slightly awkward moments. However, she was so casual and comfortable! She set the tone for the evening, demonstrating how easy it could be for us to talk about serious sex topics with each other.  Our ears were all hers and, despite the taboo of discussing sex openly in our society, I know she got her points across.
This certified sexual educator, talked about loving yourself, loving your partner, sex toys, lubricants, condoms, relationships, women stereotypes, and more. She really got the message across that “if you don’t have a positive self image, you can’t have a positive relationship with your partner”. This conversation clearly hit home with all the girls in the room because when she asked us to stand up if we ever wanted to change anything about our bodies or personalities, every single person in the room stood up.
She also incorporated the audience more by asking a few people to come to the front of the room. Each person was given a piece of paper and then they had to close their eyes and follow her instructions on ripping parts of the paper where she had requested they rip. When everyone opened their eyes, they noticed they had all done the job differently and it looked nothing like her paper. This was to stress that communication needs to be two-sided and you cannot be demanded to do something because you will never do exactly what the person asks of you or wants of you. This should show throughout all relationships.

At the end of the seminar, I felt as though I learned a lot on sex and relationships and felt comfortable with conversing with peers on what we had learned. To keep the anonymity, however, she had us text her questions that we wanted to ask to eliminate embarrassment. This was a great way to end the seminar. In the end, everyone left a lot more knowledgeable on sexual health.  She even gave out abundant amounts of condoms and lubricant for whoever wanted it to promote safe sex (and show that safe sex is the most fun kind out there!)
If you want to find out more about her you can visit her Facebook: www.facebook.com/DrJuicyJustine
Or follow her Twitter account: @JuicyJustine

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.