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Jen Klunk: Forever A Dancer Performing as Clara in the the Nutcracker

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Tutu’s, point shoes, and performing is nothing new to Ms. Jen Klunk. Meet our new Clara in The Nutcracker being performed by the talented ballet club this Sunday.  Jen is a senior majoring in Anthropology and Chemistry and co-president of the Ballet Club.  So why is Ms. Klunk December’s Campus Celebrity? Not only is Jen all smiles on stage, but she also shatter’s that horrible dancer generalization of being snotty and competitive. Just like the other members of the ballet club, she is sweet and friendly. Luckily, I was able to tear Jen away from her studies and pirouettes for an interview.
HC: At what age did you begin to dance?
Jen: I began dancing at three years old at Larry Cervi Studio. I did ballet and tap.
HC: Do you have a specific memory of truly being passionate about dance?
Jen: I would have to say when I was a freshman in High School. I got picked to be a student assistant, so I got to teach the little ones.

HC: Do you like teaching?
Jen: Yea, I enjoy it very much and am still teaching.
HC: Do you have any plans to continue dancing in the future?
Jen: I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop dancing. I know that I won’t ever be a professional dancer, but I could never give it up.

HC: Are you applying to grad school? Maybe you could continue dancing there.
Jen: Yea, I will definitely have to look around for a place where I can continue to dance.
HC: Favorite style or type of dancing?

Jen: I feel that I am obligated to say ballet because of the club, but before college I would have said Contemporary. However, I will say that being in college and in the club, my love for ballet has grown.

HC: Do you still do tap?
Jen: Yeah, there are so many different styles of tap and there are so many things you can do with it.
HC: What is it like being the lead of such a well-known play?
Jen: It is different because I have been involved in putting everything together. It is nice that I can sit back, watch, and have fun.
HC: What is your favorite aspect of performing?
Jen: I love talking to people after the performance. I love to see how the performance made them feel.
HC: Since the Nutcracker is this Sunday, what is your favorite scene in the play?

Jen: I would have to say Snow. I have been in the ballet club for the past four years, and Snow is the one choreography that never changes. So now, I feel that Snow has become a part of the club in its own way.
Relieve some stress before finals and check out our lovely lead and the rest of the hardworking ballet girls and boys this Sunday at 1 and 5pm at Bellefield Hall

Samantha Saenz is a senior at Pitt. She is a Communication Science and Disorders major with a theatre minor. Sam loves movies and great TV shows and will probably write about it at least 90% of the time. She is in Pitt Ballet Club and has enjoyed her time with the girls from HerCampus Pitt.
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.