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“On the Hunt for the Crown” Get to know Lauren Hunter and her campaign for Homecoming Queen 2011

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

The phrase “On The Hunt For The Crown” is quickly being noticed around campus. From the Facebook pictures, groups, communities, and those blue and green banners around campus, Lauren Hunter is bringing her campaign to life. With honest answers and a true heart, Lauren is ready to win the hunt for the crown. She’s talented, hard working, and a leader on so many fronts, so get to know more about her and what she’s looking to do at Pitt and as homecoming queen…

Me: What is your major?
Lauren: Applied Developmental Psychology

Me: Name some of your accomplishments
Lauren: I am on the Deans List, I’m a Deans Star, I participated in the Big Brothers Big Sisters Program at Semester at Sea, I raise money and awareness for St Jude, intern at a school for blind children, participate in the summer bridge tutoring, did autism research, taught at the University Child Development Center as a Preschool teacher, and coordinated the 5K for PAEYC

Me: What are your hobbies?
Lauren: Tri Delta, autism awareness because of my nephew and raising money for them.

Me: What are your favorite books/movies?
Lauren: I just finished reading the Help and really liked it.

Me: What do you want to do after you leave Pitt?
Lauren: I am going to graduate school for mental health counseling for children.

Me: What do you like to do for fun?
Lauren: Go out with my friends and sisters

Me: What do you do aside from being a student at Pitt?
Lauren: Right now I intern at The School for Blind Children and PAEYC, and I am the Public Relations Chair for Tri Delta.

Me: What made you want to run for Homecoming Queen?
Lauren: This is my senior year and I felt as if no one really did anything with their campaigns once they’ve won and during their campaign and this can be my outlet to spread the word about all of the advocacy groups I am involved in. This way I can tell people about everything I am involved in and get people informed in all of the things I’m involved in like PAEYC, The School for Blind Children, the 5K I coordinated, St. Jude & Tri Delta’s involvement in it, and Autism awareness.

Me: What is your favorite Pitt memory?
Lauren: Making the ticket brochure for Pitt Football and getting on the website. Sitting in the front row with some of my friends and realizing it ended up being one of the best games Pitt has had since I’ve been here.

Me: What is the saddest part about graduating Pitt this year?
Lauren: Leaving my sisters and the school I have come to love.

Me: What’s some advice you would give future girls running for Homecoming Queen?
Lauren: Don’t get so stressed and don’t change yourself for this. It’s not about beating someone or talking badly about anyone, it’s about Pitt tradition and you should definitely be respectful to every other candidate. They are all going through the same things that you are.

Me: What’s been your favorite thing about the campaigning process so far?
Lauren: I really like talking to people and getting my thoughts, opinions, and views out there to others. I have found that I’m still making a difference even if I don’t win and I love that.

Me: What times and days will you be tabling so people can come by?
Lauren: Thursday October 13th: Towers Lobby from 2-6 pm  Towers Patio from 8 am – 7 pm
Sutherland Lobby from 12-4 pm.
Friday October 14th: Towers Lobby from 9-12 pm Towers Patio from 8am – 12 pm Sutherland Lobby from 9 am – 12 pm

Me: Who is sponsoring you?
Lauren: The Pitt Shop, Mi Ranchito, Pittsburgh Stop Inc, 7-Eleven, Hemingway’s Café, PAEYC, Delta Delta Delta, Child Development Association, Quaker Steak & Lube, Pitt Alumni Association, Blue & Gold Society, Student Alumni Association

Thank you so much for your time Lauren!

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.