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HC Pitt’s Monthly Favorites: January

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We’re back for another round of our monthly favorites! Here’s what we’ve been talking about, tweeting about, and just generally obsessing over throughout January.

Priya Ranganathan: Trivia Crack!Why we’re obsessed: I’ve never played it before, but wow; I can feel my brain cells getting larger the more rounds I play!

Casey Schmauder: Into the Woods, the movie.Why we’re obsessed: It came out December 25th technically, but my friends and I went and saw it this month and have been singing along with the soundtrack ever since. The casting was so perfect!

Amanda Corrado: Nicki Minaj’s album The Pinkprint.

Why we’re obsessed: It’s so genuine and real, and I feel like her true past really shines through, which is something a lot of her older albums didn’t have a ton of. There was always a lot I liked about her, and after watching her MTV documentary, My Time Again, I have even more respect for Nicki. She works very hard to do what she does and that, to me, speaks more about anyone than what the media says. Go give her album a listen – there are literally no skips!

Maggie Brooks: Throwback songs Why we’re obsessed: A lot of Biggie, Britney Spears, and Destiny’s Child. [Needs no further explanation.]

Madison Shaftic: The Flash on CW.Why we’re obsessed: It just came back from its winter hiatus and is better than ever. Even if you aren’t that into superheroes, it’s more than just action. Star Grant Gustin is dorky and adorable to watch every week.

Mavis Salomon-Lowden: Bride Day Friday.

Why we’re obsessed: I know this is such a long-running thing on TLC, but I look forward to it every Friday. Even as a person who never ever imagined her own wedding, I can’t help but tear up as these girls find the perfect dresses.

Morgan Everett: Friends on Netflix

Why we’re obsessed: So, I understand that I’m literally two decades late on this one, but I haven’t gone more than a few hours without watching Friends since it was added to Netflix on the first of January. (No joke – I started it from the beginning and I’m on season five [as of this article being written]. Probably not healthy.)  I had never truly appreciated why it’s the cultural phenomenon that it is until I started watching the episodes consecutively. Seriously, could Friends BE any more iconic?

Alex Bush: The L Word.

Why we’re obsessed: Now on Netflix, The L Word was a mid-2000 show about, yes you guessed it, lesbians! Think Orange is the New Black is edgy? This show did it first. Though it plays off of a lot of stereotypes, it has a first season story that is absolutely addicting.

Lydia Keener: The book S. by JJ Abrams and Doug Dorst.Why we’re obsessed: It’s a book within a book, and it’s mind-blowing. It comes with stuff stuck between the pages, and it’s the most interactive, genius idea ever. If you like international intrigue, reclusive authors, mysterious organizations, dangerous secrets that span generations, and romance, then you’ll love it.

Lauren Nace: Yes Please by Amy Poehler and Grace’s Guide: The Art of Pretending to Be a Grown-up by Grace Helbig

Why we’re obsessed: I got both books for Christmas and finished reading them by the time classes started again. They’re by far two of my favorite comedians and are incredibly funny in the advice they provide. Plus, who couldn’t use some tips and tricks on being an adult?

Jessie Iacullo: Trader Joe’s Dark Chocolate Coconut Almonds!Why we’re obsessed: They’re great for snacking on and sometimes I add them to my breakfast of Greek yogurt, blueberries, and peanut butter. They’re addicting (I bought a new box yesterday and they’re basically gone) but so worth it!

Sarah Churchman: Raspberries…Why we’re obsessed: They’re so sweet and addicting and a whole box of them is like 60 calories or something crazy like that!

Katie Milliken: BUBBLE TEA. Why we’re obsessed: I have found my one true love, and it is taro milk tea with tapioca pearls. ♡

Katie Piscopio: Bkr Watter Bottles!

Why we’re obsessed: They’re glass, adorable, and fashionable! It’s easy to clean them, and they don’t get gross like plastic water bottles do. Not to mention they’re BPA free and come in awesome colors, or with a heart design on them. You can buy them at mybkr.com.

Fredrika Unander-Scharin: Burt’s Bees Coconut Foot Creme

Why we’re obsessed: This cold, dry wintery weather is making my feet crack due to dry skin. But this stuff is magical and smells amazing! I apply it after I take a shower and put on cotton socks to let the creme soak in for the rest of the day/night. It’s made my feet super smooth and soft.

Emily Roderick: The Mask of Magnanimity cleanser from Lush.Why we’re obsessed: It’s so good for your skin and organic. It smells amazing too.

Megan Baksi: Fuzzy socksWhy we’re obsessed: During the winter months I cannot get enough of fuzzy socks… Under boots, over leggings with moccasins, any style! They are perfect to keep your toes toasty when the temperatures hit below freezing.

Abby Stubenbort: Blanket scarves

Why we’re obsessed: Studying abroad in London this semester, I am seeing TONS and TONS of the hottest trend right now –blanket scarves! These oversized scarves double as an extra layer on your torso as well as your neck! They come in so many colors and go with basically everything! I’ll definitely be coming home with a few!

Image credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, provided by author, 7, 8, 9

BA in Communication and Business Certificate in Digital Media University of Pittsburgh 2016   HC Pitt Business Manager & Social Media Manager 2015-2016 I like sleep and pop culture. @laurnace | laurnace@gmail.com *Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect Her Campus or Her Campus Pitt as a whole nor do others' opinions necessarily reflect my own. 
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt