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Got Finals-itis? Tips and Relaxation for the Stressed Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

     Loss of sleep due to all-nighters?  Wrinkles on the forehead and bags under the eyes?  Head and body aches?  Caffeine overload?  If you are experiencing any or all of these symptoms, you are suffering from Finals-it is.  No worries, though, all of you working on numerous projects, papers, and studying for tests!  Read on for a few tips on keeping yourself sane while crushing the last week of school!

First, let’s make sure your work is organized.  The best way to tackle your work load efficiently is to write out everything you have to do, an estimate of how long it will take, and when it is due.  For studying, projects, or a paper, I think the best way to handle it is to do a little of each assignment each day.  Spread your work out!  This way you will be on top of everything and not get impatient and bored when working on the same project for hours. 
Another important thing to do is to take frequent breaks.  I tend to work efficiently for about a half hour to an hour, and then take a ten to twenty minute break.  There is no point in continuously studying something when your brain is not focused.  You must be focused and refreshed to comprehend what you are reading – and writing papers and putting together projects will go much faster when you are in the right mind set.  During your breaks, eat a healthy snack, listen to enjoyable music, and overall relax your brain.

Through staying organized, spreading your workload out, and taking short breaks, it is important, also, to try to still find time to do things other than just stressing over finals.  Find time to get in a quick work out, laugh with friends, take a walk – whatever you find enjoyable that will get you out of the house and expend your energy in a way that is healthy.  Heck, go to toy store and start a sword fight!  Do whatever will get you in a positive mood and release feel-good endorphins – it will help your study time fly by successfully. 
Remember:  Stay organized, spread your work out, take breaks, and do not forget to keep incorporating your healthy hobbies in to your busy week.  Before you know it, your finals will be done and you will be gleaming with your accomplishments!
I find relaxation exercises very helpful when I am stressed.  If you let yourself relax and tune into your body (focus on breathing, tensing and releasing muscles, and picture positive visuals), relaxation exercises can bring a feeling of peace and calm even in your most stressful situations.  Here is my favorite one:
1. Loosen your clothing, take off your shoes, and get comfortable.
2. Take a few minutes to relax, breathing in and out in slow, deep breaths.
3. When you’re relaxed and ready to start, shift your attention to your right foot. Take a moment to focus on the way it feels.
4. Slowly tense the muscles in your right foot, squeezing as tightly as you can. Hold for a count of 10.
5. Relax your right foot. Focus on the tension flowing away and the way your foot feels as it becomes limp and loose.
6. Stay in this relaxed state for a moment, breathing deeply and slowly.
7. When you’re ready, shift your attention to your left foot. Follow the same sequence of muscle tension and release.
8. Move slowly up through your body — legs, abdomen, back, neck, face — contracting and relaxing the muscle groups as you go.
Other tips for relaxation are focusing on each of your senses.  While laying comfortable think of how every body part feels, any smells in the room, focus on the sound of your breath, etc.  Also, visualize things that are relaxing like water or your favorite color air surging through your body with every breath and releasing stress and negativity on each exhale.  If you do not like the exercise I put, or want to listen to one to lead you along, there are tons to follow along with on YouTube or even relaxation apps on your phone!
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!
Relaxation exercise found on:  http://helpguide.org/mental/stress_relief_meditation_yoga_relaxation.htm

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.