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Frisky Fridays: Taking That Leap of Faith…For Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.


On Wednesday I asked a guy to be my Valentine. It doesn’t matter who the guy was or what he said in response for the point of this post. For me it was the first time I had EVER been forward enough to ask someone that question, and to basically go on a date with me. And yes, I did ask it in a joking manner at first but then I just decided to go with it and throw caution to the wind. A few weeks ago I came up with my own personal mantra: stop being afraid and just start doing. It may not be original or even realistic, but in that moment I realized how much I have been holding back. It reminded me of a quote from an old Hilary Duff movie, A Cinderella Story: “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” 

Don’t let the idea of rejection keep you from challenging yourself and from leaving your comfort zone. The worst that can happen is that you may feel awkward for asking but then you just shrug it off and move on. Yes, he could’ve said no, or maybe even yes, but without me asking I would always wonder. One thing about me is I HATE wondering and fretting over something that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve been. It drives me nuts! At some point in our lives we’ve all been there. Maybe I should do this? Maybe he’ll say no and I’ll be too embarrassed to even speak to him again! The scenario could go on for days. But the point is, yes there’s a 50% chance that that guy, or girl, may say no. However, what about that other 50% where they just might say yes?!  We never give ourselves credit where credit is due. Be confident in yourself! If you are confident in yourself and love the person that you are, and others such as your friends do too, then why wouldn’t that guy, or girl, like you too?! Maybe, they may just need a little pushing to get there, and asking them to hangout, or even to be your Valentine, may just increase that 50% yes to a 100% definitely!


Until Next Time My Lovelies,

Nahja xoxo


Photo Credits here.

I'm a current Junior at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Spanish language! I was born and raised in Philadelphia and I am a huge city kid! I'm very open about most things in my life; Sex, drinking, partying, friendships, etc. (you name it). I'm a firm believer of loving and knowing yourself before allowing others to make those decisions for you. If you don't love yourself or know who you are, then others never will!