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Four Skin Care Products to Prevent Dry Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

      With the cold weather officially here, we wanted to take some time to provide you with tips on what kind of facial cleansers and moisturizers to use in order to keep your face clean, fresh, and most importantly, what to use to prevent it from becoming too dry. Before reading about any of the following products, keep this in mind: no matter what products are recommended, if your face feels dry and tight after washing, that facial product is too harsh for your skin type. Stop using it right away and find something new!

1. La Roche-Posay Toleriane Dermo Cleanser
This was the first highly-recommended facial wash I found. This cleanser removes dirt and oil without making your face dry and flaky. It’s recommended for dry and extremely dry skin. It is also very good for calming down red skin. You can find it for $17.21 on lovelyskin.com.

2. Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser 
Another gentle skin cleanser, Cetaphil helps your skin retain moisture so you can avoid those gross annoying flakes. It’s completely soap and fragrance-free, so it won’t harm your skin while it cleans. You can get it on walgreens.com for $6.59.

After you use one of the previous two products to wash your face, you need to apply a moisturizer within three minutes before the warm water evaporates from your skin. The following two products are great moisturizers that you could use.

3. Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream
If you’re like me and like your facewash and moisturizer to match, use Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream along with the Cetaphil Cleanser, which are both pictured above and are equally highly recommended. This moisturizer is great for dry skin and is recommended by The University of Kansas Department of Dermatology. You can get this moisturizer at walgreens.com for $9.09.

4. Eucerin Original Lotion
Eucerin is a well-known brand that you can pick up in any Rite-Aid or CVS, and it’s extremely effective for dry skin. Eucerin Plus Intensive Repair Lotion is also recommended for dry, flaky facial skin. 

Remember, these are recommendations. Everyone’s different, so if one doesn’t work for you, try something new. Finding the perfect skin routine for you always takes time.


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Hey, I'm Chris Baker and I just began writing for HerCampus at Pitt. I love God, my family and friends, sports, and my amazing fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. I love to talk, write, and engage with people, in particular, I like to argue, haha. I love Pitt so if you go here and don't already know me, you should find me and get to know me! Contact me anytime at cbb17@pitt.edu,Thanks for reading!