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First World Problems: Curly Hair

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Let’s think back to when we all got our first straightening iron.  For me, it was during sixth grade. Everyone, and I mean everyone, started coming to school with their hair pin straight.  Well, there was one exception: me.

My mother always told me from as early as I can remember that she would actually pray at night when she was a teenager until the day I was born for her daughter to have big, curly hair.  If I had been born during the 80’s when she was hoping for it, I would have been set for life. 

Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my curls, but it’s not seen as the beautiful style it once was.  I notice that a lot of older women comment on my hair, saying how much they love it, but in classes and throughout campus, I feel like I am the awkward black sheep who never tends to her hair. This is definitely not true, because I know that there are some awesome girls out there rocking their curls too, so claps for these girls.

It makes me happy when I see someone letting their hair be big and natural, because that’s how we should all be.  We all need to embrace whatever style of hair we were lucky enough for our mothers to have prayed for; whether we have curly, wavy, textured, thin, thick, or straight hair. 

I don’t want to come off as a hypocrite though, so I will admit that I sometimes straighten my hair, usually for a big party or events like graduation or interviews, just to change it up every once in a while.  Sometimes straightening my hair gives me a boost of confidence too, because people tend to notice that you’ve changed something about yourself, and it can be more flattering at parties. But the more I’ve straightened it, the more I’ve noticed that my hair started to lose its natural ringlets.

If you have this problem, I suggest trying BioSilk products.  I just switched to their line about three weeks ago, and please believe me when I say, I am in hair HEAVEN.

Not exaggerating, I have probably tried over 90 hair products in my life, maybe more. You can ask my brothers if you don’t believe me, because they can vouch that I have bottles of all different curl serums and shampoos or conditioners covering our home bathroom.  I was never able to decide which one worked best for my hair.  Even now at college, my roommates have mocked me for how many different shampoos and conditioners I have tried since the beginning of the year.

Thank God I finally found something that works for me, so I can stop endlessly spending money on products that don’t work.  I urge everyone to try BioSilk, whether you hair is curly or straight, because the silk formula actually makes your hair so silky.  Finally, a product that does what it says it will do.  It can be an investment though, so if you’d rather try something else, I suggest looking online at NaturallyCurly.  This site will match you with your perfect hair solutions by hair type (I’m “3A- Curly Twirly”). They will also give you amazing tips on how to rock your hair and new tricks to try out.

The site is especially helpful for people who have finally switched over to embracing their natural curls, and might have no idea how to use products or how to style it. 

So, I’m calling for a celebration of curls: it’s time to bring them back! Join me and rock your hair ‘til Canada Day! (How I Met Your Mother reference anyone?)



Tara Takoushian

Curly Hair Expert

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Photo Credit 2

I'm a current sophomore, double majoring in English Writing and Communications, with a Studio Arts Minor at the University of Pittsburgh.
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