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David Davis ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Name: David Davis
Year: Junior
Major: Computer Science
Hometown: West Chester, PA

This week’s campus cutie is a transfer student from Temple University who is not only a good friend, but is open to experiencing new people and places. Habitat for Humanity and Outdoors Club are only a few of the clubs he participates in. I am ecstatic to introduce all of you Pitt ladies to this new and exciting campus cutie.

Q: Why did you decide to transfer to Pitt?
A: To basically start over and get away from home

Q: What is one of the biggest differences between Temple and Pitt?
A: Less likely to get killed (starts to laugh, he’s joking of course)

Q: What do you hope to do when you graduate?
A: Build robots, so I will have robots to defend me when they take over the world. (His bff Scott told him that sounded dumb, but Dave’s sense of humor prevailed)

Q: What turns you off in a girl?
A: Liars, because if they’re not honest with you they’re not honest with themselves.

Q: What do you look for in a girl?
A: Confidence, I like when a girl is comfortable with herself and doesn’t get hung up on her flaws.

Q: Would you be ready if your dream girl came into your life?
A: Yea, I’m getting old (he said this with a smirk, he’s 20.)

Q: What would be your perfect day?
A: Wake up with a large breakfast in front of me. Then, I’d go to the zoo, feed the animals, then go skydiving. I’d land on the beach, take a nap and then drive off into the horizon with my dream girl.

Q: Okay, the most important question…What’s your favorite movie?
A: Toy Story, the original.

Q: What’s your favorite part?
A: When Buzz is upset he can’t fly and is at the tea party. (He was a great Mizz Nesbit!)

Ladies, look out for Dave around campus! You may see him with one of our campus cutie alums, Scott!

Mandy is an English and Communication dual major at the University of Pittsburgh. She plans on graduating this April, but decided that she'd finish her last three classes online and move to the big apple for an editorial internship at Ladies' Home Journal. She is a proud Her Campus Pitt member from afar and the previous Editor-in-Chief. When she isn't exploring the city, she enjoys absorbing every TLC show, following news leads on Twitter, or blogging for her Small Girl in NYC Wordpress. She's orginally from Philadelphia and will always have a cheesesteak over a salad. Her previous internships include Entertainment intern for VERVE Management Social Magazine and the editorial/fashion intern for WHIRL Magazine. Magazines are her obsession, but writing is her passion. Follow her on twitter @mandy_velez or send love to her at mandyvelez16 [at] gmail [dot] com.