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Confessions of a “Cute Girl”: Confronting Sexy vs. Cute Labels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

       We have all heard it before. Some girls are sexy and some girls are cute. As the girl that has always been called “cute” I wondered what put me in that category. I thought it could mean I resembled a five year old with pig tails or a sweet little kitten with big eyes, because let’s face it, yes, those things are cute, but nobody feels attracted to cute things that you just want to squeeze or pinch their cheeks. I wanted to be in that “sexy” category more than anything.

Then, I started to realize that there’s much more to being a cute girl then just rainbows and butterflies. Here are some reasons I think it’s okay to be a “cute” girl:

1.       Guys like cute girls because they can take you home to their mom
Cute girls are sweet girls. Cute girls are the type of girls that know how to have fun, but they also know when it’s time to switch into family mode. They will make a guy smile with their flirtatiousness, yet still know how to hold a conversation with her guy’s mom about the latest episode of Glee or that new recipe she just discovered.

2.       Cute girls know how to dress
When going out, a cute girl wants to meet guys just as much as the next girl. However, instead of wearing that dishtowel which exposes almost everything, she goes for a more subtle approach. Don’t get me wrong, cute girls can wear tight skirts or little black dresses, but they do it in a classy way. Cute girls know how to make a pair of jeans and a fitted blouse attract any guy. Guys tend to like the “cute girl chic” attire because it keeps them wondering. Sexy may be great for some occasions but guys like a little mystery, even if that means wondering how good your legs look underneath those jeans.

3.       Cute girls aren’t afraid to be themselves
Some girls only think about one thing, impressing a guy and try to flaunt their “assets”. What these girls don’t realize is that although getting attention this way will get you a hook-up, it will hardly lead you to any good boyfriend material. Cute girls are open about their life. Most girls would be afraid to talk about their likes and dislikes, but guys find that bold. Maybe telling your guy that you think penguins are adorable isn’t such a bad idea. For all you know, he could love penguins too. Conversations like these go a lot farther than just, “how wasted did you get last weekend?”

4.       Cute girls make guys feel comfortable
Sometimes it’s okay to want to look sexy for a night, looking sexy makes a cute girl feel good about herself. But, it’s okay for girls to go for the cute look every once in a while. Many times, a guy may think a girl is too sexy for him. He may be a really sweet guy, but he may think you would never give him a chance. Toning down to a cute look will make you seem more approachable and down to earth. It will make it easier for guys to come up to you to talk.

5.       Cute girls are relatable
If a girl is always seen as that “sexy” girl, people may not view her as someone they can relate to. Megan Fox is absolutely stunning, but if I had to choose, I think Jennifer Aniston would be much more fun to hang out with. As a cute girl, people take Jen seriously. She is not primarily known for her body, but for her acting. I’m not saying Megan Fox can’t act; obviously she has talent if she’s starring in movies, but I think most girls can aspire to be successful in a Jen kind of way rather than a bombshell Megan kind of way.

6.       Cute girls are role models
Anne Hathaway, Jennifer Aniston, and Chelsea Handler are all cute girls. They are beautiful women who have made a name for themselves through their talents, not just their looks. I think cute girls can be incredibly pretty like Rachel McAdams. However, Rachel watches her image. She isn’t seen in the news the way Britney Spears or Paris Hilton have been. Cute girls know when to spice things up, but also know how to present their selves in a respectable manner. Guys don’t want to be associated with the “sexy” girl that also got with 10 guys in one night. Some cute girls do like to party, but they are the ones who know how to not let the whole world know.

Not all girls described solely as “sexy” by guys go around flaunting their full figures, partying, and bringing new guys home every weekend.

Just as not all girls described solely as “cute” girls by guys are all prudish, slightly boring, and “goody goods.”

My challenge for you all is to love, appreciate, and accept who you are as a person, despite whatever category guys, media, or friends put you in!

Mandy is an English and Communication dual major at the University of Pittsburgh. She plans on graduating this April, but decided that she'd finish her last three classes online and move to the big apple for an editorial internship at Ladies' Home Journal. She is a proud Her Campus Pitt member from afar and the previous Editor-in-Chief. When she isn't exploring the city, she enjoys absorbing every TLC show, following news leads on Twitter, or blogging for her Small Girl in NYC Wordpress. She's orginally from Philadelphia and will always have a cheesesteak over a salad. Her previous internships include Entertainment intern for VERVE Management Social Magazine and the editorial/fashion intern for WHIRL Magazine. Magazines are her obsession, but writing is her passion. Follow her on twitter @mandy_velez or send love to her at mandyvelez16 [at] gmail [dot] com. 
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.