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A Collegiette’s Guide For 5 Ways To Relax Before Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

The end of semester bliss and relaxation is nearly here! Unfortunately, the only thing standing in the way of freedom from classes (at least for a bit) are finals.  Since I am forced to begin the grueling studying process for cumulative exams a bit earlier, I thought I would see the light at the end of the tunnel that is looking over past quizzes, exams, textbook readings, writing papers, etc. Oh yes, that light was shining so brightly…that is until procrastination took over. However, instead of being completely lazy, what better way to be productive than provide 5 de-stressor activity ideas before finals?

  1. Dance Party

   Who says you need to go to a club in order to have a good time? Invite a few of your closest friends, put up some strobe/black lights, crank up the music and you’re good to go. Make a night out of it by wearing your favorite outfit and get ready to whip your hair back and forth (sorry, I just had to).

         2. Ice-Skating

            It’s finally December, and there is no better way to start out the month than to go ice-skating with your friends.  Whether you are terrible on ice or a pro, it’s hard not to enjoy yourself. Go to Schenley Park or Downtown and put on a cute outfit with that precious scarf you’ve been waiting to wear for a special occasion. Who knows, you may fall into your crush that you’ve been flirting with in class all semester.

           3. Fondue Party

Ron Burgundy isn’t the only one who loves fondue and you don’t need to spend money at the Melting Pot (even though it’s delicious) in order to have yourself  some fondue. Find a few fondue pots with chocolate and cheese, along with your favorite dishes and desserts, and you’re ready to fondue away. The best part is that there are tons of great fondue party ideas to pick from on Pinterest for you and your friends to try.




  1. Holiday Decorations

One of the best times I’ve had at Pitt is relaxing indoors and spending some quality time with the roommates while decorating our apartment. Take a night off and put up a few lights or put popcorn on a string around the room, decorate a small tree you’ve bought for the place, and put up stockings. There are a bunch of ideas you can find (Pinterest) to decorate whether you live in an apartment or the dorms.  If you don’t celebrate the holidays, bake a few goodies with your roommates, pop in a movie, and relax.



5.  Exercise

It’s been proven that one of the best de-stressors is exercise. Whether it’s Zumba, yoga, Pilates, running, or going to the gym, any physical activity will naturally produce endorphins that will brighten your mood. Afterwards, it will help you relax and get you into the mindset of studying.


There you have it HC readers, 5 reliable activities that will help you ease some of the tension from finals. Any one will help you get the procrastination out of your system and buckle down to study for finals. On that note, de-stress away and good luck acing your exams!



Source : http://pinterest.com/pin/20625…


Samantha Saenz is a senior at Pitt. She is a Communication Science and Disorders major with a theatre minor. Sam loves movies and great TV shows and will probably write about it at least 90% of the time. She is in Pitt Ballet Club and has enjoyed her time with the girls from HerCampus Pitt.
Hey, I'm Chris Baker and I just began writing for HerCampus at Pitt. I love God, my family and friends, sports, and my amazing fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. I love to talk, write, and engage with people, in particular, I like to argue, haha. I love Pitt so if you go here and don't already know me, you should find me and get to know me! Contact me anytime at cbb17@pitt.edu,Thanks for reading!