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Coffee for Your Every Waking Moment

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

If you’re anything like me, you are truly, deeply, irrevocably in love with coffee. Not one morning goes by without a holy blessing by the brown nectar, and that’s the way you like it. But sometimes, there are just so many choices, and you have no idea just how you should get your fix. As a fellow caffé-phile, I understand your struggle. So, I’ve compiled a short comprehensive list of the proper coffees for your every waking moment.

First Thing: You’ve successfully managed to bathe and brush your teeth, but you can already feel the craving pull at your heart. This is a no-fuss situation and calls for a plain cup of joe. Iced or hot, keep it simple to soothe the yearning before it gets too severe.

Treating Yo’self: Whether you’ve just had an exam, a bomb workout, or you just deserve it because you’re that excellent always – TREAT YO’SELF. My go to drank is the Caramel Macchiato or Caramel Frappuccino. It still tastes like a coffee without an overbearing load of sugar; I get mine “skinny” with skim milk (just because I prefer it that way). 

Switching It Up: You’re getting bored with your usual and want to get your fix with a twist. Personal favorite: either a dirty chai latte or a filthy chai latte. The former has one shot of espresso, the latter has two. Both are delicious and a nice change from a typical latte. 

The No Good, Very Bad Day: Everything is awful and you regret waking up. But fear not, lady pal, there is coffee. Coffee will always love you, no matter what, so get whatever the heck you want. Personally I go for whatever is seasonal. So you treat yourself to pumpkin whatever and get a donut while you’re at it. Because you are great no matter what. 

I’ve Been Studying for 36 Hours Straight and I Forgot My Name at Starbucks: Yes, that’ll be a red eye. Yes, I know it’s coffee with a shot of espresso. Yes, I know it tastes awful black. That’ll be all. Okay. Just put “Tertiary Carbon.” That’s probably what I’d respond to at this point.


Image credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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