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Brittany Felts Rocks Business Casual

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We found Brittany Felts, a Junior Marketing Major, hanging out in Sennott Square between classes. We loved her professional-chic look so much, we had to know all of the details about where she shops and why!

Where she bought each piece: Blouse and Sweater: The LimitedSkirt: ASOSShoes: Jessica Simpson (Kids Line)


HC: Is this the type of outfit you usually wear or was there a special reason for choosing this look?

BF: This is an outfit I’d wear to work. I usually wear things with more color, but this is more work appropriate, and still expresses what I like to wear.


HC: I think your pink hair is a nice touch to any of your outfits, but what made you want to dye it?

BF: It used to be white-blonde on the top and pink on the bottom. I think it suits my skin tone really well, and I’ve always liked daring hair colors.


HC: What stores do you usually shop at?

BF: I do most of my shopping online at stores like Modcloth and ASOS.


HC: Any other interesting facts about your style?

BF: I’m a member of the Pittsburgh Gothic and Lolita group. We recently dressed up and stood outside of the Carnegie art museum and sort of scared people. It was awesome!


HC: I’ve never heard of that group, what do you do in it?

BF: We base our outfits off of the Japanese Lolita style. A lot of this style entails dressing up like dolls, with big, poofy skirts and dramatic makeup!


Photo Courtesy provided by the author

BA in Communication and Business Certificate in Digital Media University of Pittsburgh 2016   HC Pitt Business Manager & Social Media Manager 2015-2016 I like sleep and pop culture. @laurnace | laurnace@gmail.com *Opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect Her Campus or Her Campus Pitt as a whole nor do others' opinions necessarily reflect my own. 
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt