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Bouncing Back After an Embarrassing Night

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Listen up, college girls. This right here might be the most important thing you read in the next four years of your academic career (and more fun than that damn bio book). That’s right, I’m going to try my best to tell you how to bounce back from an embarrassing night out, depending on your personality. Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and there are a few roads you can take the next day when you run into that hottie you assed out in front of the night before.


Before we get started, I have personally gotten a few accounts from girls revealing their totally embarrassing stories just to show you that you’re not the only one. Read up on how your fellow peers have bounced back from their party fouls.

“This one time I was dancing at a party with a guy and things got a little too frisky –like people stopped and STARED at us because we were practically having sex with our clothes on…IN PUBLIC at a house party. Looking back, I cringe thinking about it. When I saw him the next day we just did the ‘sup nod. It really helped that we didn’t act too awkward.” – Angela*, 19

“One night – oh God can’t believe I’m saying this – but one night at The “O” some kid sat down next to me when I was eating cheese fries. I thought it’d be sexy to seductively eat them so I started slowly licking my fingers, and he thought it was hot! But in reality, it was gross and completely embarrassing. I was lucky because I never saw him again, but I saw a picture of us on Facebook and later found out he went to high school with my floormate!” – Jen*, 18

“I was dancing at a frat and was feeling pretty bold so I got up on a speaker and started getting low. Well…me AND the speaker fell down…and the music cut out. I hopped up and EVERYONE was looking at me. I looked around and acted like I was searching for the culprit too. I think I bounced back pretty okay.” – Hannah, 18


Now that you can relate to at least one of these accounts of complete drunken stupidity, you don’t feel so alone! But how can you bounce back like these skilled partiers? There’s a few ways, depending on your personality!

The Shy Girl

1. Is that a plane in the sky? Maybe a cloud? I don’t know, but I am avoiding eye contact at all costs…

Pretending you don’t see those girls who laughed at your awesome karaoke skills is a great way to act like you don’t care, and they don’t deserve a glance their way. Standing tall and looking good (despite the throbbing headache and queasy stomach) shows what a friggin’ rock-star you are! Put on your makeup with those shaky, hungover hands and turn your ‘do from last night into some wild sexy waves – don’t let ANYONE (boy or girl alike) see your head hanging. No need to be ashamed of your rachetness the night before–anyone who knows how to have a good time has been there and back. Don’t give the haters any mind, they couldn’t keep up with you anyway! (Note to guys reading…it’s those shy girls you gotta look out for, they’re the really wild ones.)

The Confident Girl

2. Give a little glance…or look straight on

Perhaps the only thing sassier than not looking your fellow partiers in the eye, is looking them STRAIGHT ON. If you’re more of a forward girl, then give a sexy glance to the hottie you gave a lap dance to the night before. What do you have to lose? You already crossed the line when you dropped it so low that the pong table came down with you, so you might as well live up to your name and show everyone you DGAF. Be proud of your inner wild child and do NOT forget that you were the life of the party. Looking everyone in the eye shows that you’re not ashamed that you peed in the sink because the toilet was occupied (yeah, I know a few people who have done that).

The Bold Girl

3. Talk it out, be proud, OWN UP TO THE RATCHETNESS!

Ok, for really bold girls (like really, REALLY bold), you might as well go for it. See people whispering? Put a stop to it by laughing with them, and adding another ridiculous thing you did. Chances are, they have no room to talk because they most likely have had a cup of jungle juice too many before in their life. So you madeout with two (maybe seven?) guys! As long as you’re not hurting anyone remember that it’s college. Approach one of the guys you talked to the night before and crack up about your slightly embarrassing dance moves…there’s nothing sexier than a girl that can laugh at herself!

So whether you’re breaking frat speakers or eating cheese like a sex goddess, you (and I and all your friends and probably everyone you know) have experienced the pain that comes rushing back the morning after a night out (no, not just the headache). As long you stick to one of the three approaches, you’ll be okay…but you have to commit 100%. Don’t give a glance and then get caught staring! Don’t let anyone shame you because you’re in control of your actions and feelings. If you’re still cringing from your previous night even after one of these tactics, run on the treadmill, take a shower, and get ready to do it all again. Now that you know how to bounce back, might as well live it up!



*Name has been changed

Photos courtesy of www.tumblr.com/party

Katie is a 19-year-old sophomore majoring in Nonfiction English Writing at the University of Pittsburgh. She is Pitt's Her Campus Secretary and a summer intern in the Corporate Communications Department at Crayola. If she's not obsessing over her nails, you can find her reading the Huffington Post or rewatching episodes of "Girls." She hopes her major and certificates in Women's Studies and Writing for the Professions will allow her to help others through writing and activism. You can follow her on Twitter [@katiescrivellaro] or on Instagram [@katiescriv_]
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt