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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.


Austin Kuiawa ‘15

Major: Neuroscience

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Relationship Status: Single



HC: What are your favorite hobbies?

AK: I play bass in a pop punk band called All We Are, I love playing intramural basketball with my friends, and any outdoor activity really.


HC: What is on your bucket list at Pitt?

AK: 1. See the view from the top floor of the Cathedral

2. Order something else but General Tso’s from Tawain Café.

3. Explore more of Schenely Park.


HC: What is your biggest turn on?

AK: Similar interests to me.


HC: What is your biggest turn off?

AK: Girls who smoke cigarettes and who are selfish.


HC: What is your perfect date?

AK: I’d love to surprise the girl with an unknown ‘gem’ of a restaurant with amazing food, followed by a local place with great music where we can laugh and get to know each other in a really fun, upbeat environment. Still looking for the right girl to do that with!


HC: Oh you seem like a ladies man. What’s your best pick up line?

AK: Did it hurt? When you fell from heaven?


HC: What is your hidden talent?

AK: I won best dancer in high school so I have some moves ;)

HC: Describe your ideal girl.

AK: A mellow, spontaneous girl who can do the Monday through Friday grind, but can put it all aside and have a killer weekend with me without being serious all the time. Where’s the fun in that?


HC: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?

AK: It’s a tie between Mint Chocolate Chip and Birthday Cake


HC: So we want to know, what is your favorite guilty pleasure chick flick?

AK: Geez, I’d have to say Mean Girls. There are so many good quotable lines and Lindsey Lohan was really hot back then.


I'm a current Junior at the University of Pittsburgh, majoring in Political Science and minoring in Spanish language! I was born and raised in Philadelphia and I am a huge city kid! I'm very open about most things in my life; Sex, drinking, partying, friendships, etc. (you name it). I'm a firm believer of loving and knowing yourself before allowing others to make those decisions for you. If you don't love yourself or know who you are, then others never will!