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Attention Slow Walkers! Sidewalk Etiquette 101

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

As students of an urban campus, we rely heavily on our feet to get us from place to place- which isn’t a problem in the slightest. Some of us (me) get our monthly exercise, it’s a nice way to see campus, and it’s also the quickest way to get from place to place. However, lately I have noticed that there is an absurd amount of people who don’t follow what I like to call simple, sidewalk etiquette.

1. Don’t stop and text: Seriously. I cannot stand when someone whips out their phone to text, and then proceeds to stop and reply. First of all, it’s dangerous; if I careen into your body and you drop your phone and it breaks, I fear that my life may be in danger. Secondly, just don’t do it.
Related to this, is don’t stop out of the blue to talk to your friends. Same reasons listed above.
2. Don’t take up the whole sidewalk with your friends and expect me to move: Another thing that is simple sidewalk courtesy. The sidewalk is made for two people to walk simultaneously in the opposite direction; not for your six friends, two dogs and stroller to walk toward me, forcing me onto Fifth Avenue. And the returned attitude when I don’t move? Not cool.
3. Don’t make large arm movements on your phone: Just today I got smacked on the shoulder because some girl screaming into her phone about something. I didn’t even get an apology! The sidewalk isn’t big enough for that.
4. Don’t wait at the bus stop staggered: I know that this can be difficult-especially at the bus stop on Bigelow and Fifth, but please, please at least make some effort to not turn it into a game of bumper cars, where I’m always the car that gets crushed.
5. And finally, walk on the right side of the sidewalk. It’s like the road people. You wouldn’t pass a slow car while a huge semi truck (pun on my height) is speeding towards you would you? Same rules apply on the side walk.

It’s just common courtesy to be respectful walking- it will make for an easier, more enjoyable walk.

Just your average 6'2'' czech girl with nine toes =)
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.