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Anna Occhipinti ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.


Hometown: Dunmore, PA
Status: Single
Major: Urban Studies
Minors: Chemistry and Theater


Q. What do you want to do after you graduate?
A. I’m not entirely sure yet, but I think I want to go to school to be a Physician’s Assisstant. My plan is eventually to live in London.


Q. So you’re single, what’s your ideal first date?
A. Going out to dinner, maybe something I could dress up for. I love to dress up. And then we would go for a walk after. But he would have to be easy to talk to, there would have to be a connection.

Q. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go and what would you do?
A. I’ve always wanted to go to Austria to take the Sound of Music tour.

Q. Is that your favorite movie?
A. No, but it’s one of them. My favorite movie is It’s a Wonderful Life.


Q. Who’s your favorite musical artist?
A. I don’t have one. But my favorite song is “White Houses” by Vanessa Carlton.

Q. What are some characteristics of your ideal guy?
A. Tall, dark hair. Easy to talk to, funny. Someone who I feel comfortable around and who I feel like knows me.

Q. What are some turn-offs? 
A. Guys who don’t have manners. Like I love when guys will give up their seats for girls and old ladies on buses, that’s great.

Q. What do you like to do in your down time?
A. I like to hang out with my friends, and read and watch TV.


Q. What activities do you participate in?
A. I’m a Pathfinder, I do theater, and I’m planning on joining a club called Strong Women Strong Girls this semester.

Q. What’s your favorite Pitt memory?
A. Staying over the summer and giving tours with Pathfinders. Being here without having to take classes and being able to just spend time with my friends and tan in the Frick fountain was great.





Hey, I'm Chris Baker and I just began writing for HerCampus at Pitt. I love God, my family and friends, sports, and my amazing fraternity, Pi Kappa Phi. I love to talk, write, and engage with people, in particular, I like to argue, haha. I love Pitt so if you go here and don't already know me, you should find me and get to know me! Contact me anytime at cbb17@pitt.edu,Thanks for reading!