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Aaron Barker ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Aaron Barker Pittsburgh ‘13


Aaron Barker is a smart, hilarious, energetic Junior born and raised in Pittsburgh. He’s always willing to have a great time with his friends and loves meeting new people. This down to earth guy is just loving the college life and trying to live it up. Want to find out more, ladies?…

Me: What’s you major?
Aaron: Finance
Me: What do you want to do after college?
Aaron: I want to go work in California as a corporate lawyer. Then I’m going to start a chain of clubs/bars.
Me: Where do you want to go to law school?
Aaron: Stanford
Me: What’s your favorite thing about Pitt?
Aaron: Hanging out with friends: Sigma Chi and my twin best friends.
Me: What are your hobbies?
Aaron: Playing sports and watching them. Hitting the gym on occasion. Drinking booze with my friends.
Me: What’s your favorite movie?
Aaron: Gladiator because it’s real sweet and Russell Crow is a boss. Or Remember the Titans, an old throw back.
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Me: What’s your relationship status?
Aaron: Single
Me: What do you look for in a girl?
Aaron: I like nice girls who I can have fun with who are honest. I like brunettes, but I don’t discriminate against blondes. Nice smile, definitely.                                                                        
Me: What turns you off about a girl?
Aaron:  I don’t like girls who are full of them selves or girls who are real crazy. I like classy girls.
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Aaron: Caring, understanding, and loyal.
Me: What would be your favorite place to take a girl out on a date?
Aaron: First to pet puppies and then to Nakama to eat sushi.
Me: Where are your favorite places to go out at school?
Aaron: I like Southside a lot. Like Villa, Mario’s, also Bouquet Gardens. I like going to Bootleggers because it’s funny to see all the schmakers.
Me: What is a shmacker?
Aaron: It’s someone who definitely doesn’t go to this school. Kind of like a yinzer, but not really.
Me: What’s your favorite Pitt memory so far?
Aaron: That’s a tough one, I don’t remember much. Tailgates, they’re so fun.
Thanks so much Aaron!

Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.