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Sydney White / Amanda Bynes
Sydney White / Amanda Bynes
Universal Pictures

A Love Letter to Pitt Panhel

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Everyone has preconceived notions about what fraternity and sorority life is like at each university. When most people think of sororities they think about the cover photo of this article; giggling, perfect outward persona, superficial and dumb. This snapshot from the 2007 movie Sydney White, shows a version of sorority life that could not be farther from reality.

I was once one of those girls who let false stereotypes of sororities influence my thoughts and behaviors. As college was fast approaching, I found myself saying “I am not a sorority girl” or “I could never pay for my friends.” Fast forward four years later, and now I couldn’t be more involved with Greek Life if I tried. I am on the Panhellenic Council, a member of Alpha Delta Pi and have countless friends that I never would have met if not for Greek Life at Pitt. It’s safe to say that I am glad that I didn’t let my false beliefs about this community get to me.

Every chapter at this school has a unique philanthropy, sisterhood and mission for its members. As a freshman at Pitt, I could never believe that I would be able to pick a chapter that fit me the best, or if they would even be interested in having me as a member of their organization. Those fears soon vanished as I went through recruitment and realized that the chapters wanted to get to know me for ME just as much as I yearned to get to know them. Formal recruitment was an exhausting but necessary process to find the chapter that I most identified with in both character and mission. I have had the opportunity to meet so many amazing people in Alpha Delta Pi and I wouldn’t trade those experiences for anything.

During my new member period, I was getting to know members of my sorority and even some members from other sororities as well. Being in a sorority opened up a whole new network of people for me that I wouldn’t have met otherwise, both now and in the future. National Panhellenic Council has coined the term “panhel love” as a short-hand way to demonstrate love and support for friends who are members of other chapters across your campus. This has to be my favorite part of being in the Panhellenic community at Pitt. The importance placed on the value of supporting your fellow Panhellenic members, whether they are in your sorority or not, is something I love. I am of the opinion that women spend too much time trying to tear each other down. Having this sense of community makes me feel like the world is moving in a positive direction, leaving behind the archaic competition model that women are raised to enforce.

Pitt’s FSL advisors as well are what makes Pitt Panhellenic truly feel like home. I never have to question if they are in my corner, as only a member and as a board member alike. They are not afraid to have hard conversations and hold us accountable, but I think that is what has truly encouraged me to grow. Whether there are administrative issues or personal ones, they are the first to offer advice or give you the hard truth. They have challenged us all to reach their standards and I can say it has made me a better leader, friend and person.

On top of personal growth, Alpha Delta Pi and Pitt Panhellenic have given me some of my best friends. No matter the time or circumstance, they are always around to offer their shoulder for support or their words of encouragement. I have no doubt at all that they will be the friends standing beside me my entire life and I am forever grateful. In the end, I would say that “paying for my friends” has worked out immensely in my favor. You should try it sometime!

Liz Acque

Pitt '23

I am a Psychology major at Pitt who loves to read and write. I love to use writing as an outlet and I think the art of storytelling is so important. Reading is the best escape for me and the way I typically choose to relax. Grateful to HC Pitt for giving me the opportunity to write!