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9 Ways to Keep Your Best Friends from Home When It Isn’t so Easy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

It’s nerve-wracking to go to college, there’s no doubt about it. You’re leaving your family for an extended period of time, and you’re leaving your friends that you grew up with. Whether it’s your first semester or your last semester, it’s so important to continue to maintain the friendships that you have from home. But, how do you do that? Your friends are so far away, and they always seem to be busy with something! There are a few ways to keep these friendships flourishing that aren’t too difficult or time consuming.


1. Tag them in Instagram posts or DM them posts

This one sounds super simple, but sending memes is the ultimate form of friendship in 2019. If you continue to send your friends posts on Instagram or Twitter, they’ll know you haven’t forgotten about them. It’s a simple way to tell the person that something reminded you of them.


2. Put pictures of them on your desk/walls

When you’re thinking about how you want to style and decorate your room, make sure you fill it with friendly faces. You may have made new friends since you’ve moved to college, but those familiar faces from home will be there cheering you on during your toughest times. Personally, when I was decorating my desk in my dorm, I pinned pictures of all of my best friends on the corkboard. Every time I sit down to a night full of homework, I look up and see pictures of me and my friends and it motivates me to get everything done!


3. Offer for them to come visit

If you have room, offer for them to come and visit you! Even if you can’t work out a time for you all to see one another during the school year, the act of offering shows that you want to see them soon. Everyone wants to be friends with people who love them!

(Photo by Lance Anderson via Unsplash)


4. Plan get togethers if you’re in the area or on breaks

Planning the next time you’re going to see your friends will definitely help all of you get through those rough months without each other. It gives everyone something to look forward to! Even though everyone might say they don’t miss home and they love college; they secretly miss being with their friends from home.


5. Send them a care package if you know they’re struggling

A care package doesn’t need to be stuffed with baked goods or expensive candles. It can be as simple as a handwritten note and a bag of Hershey Kisses! Anything to let them know you’re thinking of them and you’ve got their back serves this purpose. Plus, the beauty of a care package is that you don’t have to ONLY send it when they’re struggling! It’s just another way for them to know you’re thinking of them! Or if you don’t feel like a care package is necessary, a handwritten letter would definitely do the trick.

(Photo by Plush Design Studio via Unsplash)


6. Answer their calls

This one is so simple, but so important. If your friend calls you, just answer! If you’re busy, make sure you send them a text telling them, so they don’t assume that you just don’t care. Answering their calls and talking to them is one easy way that you can remain in touch.


7. Send them pictures that remind you of them

Have a friend who loves dogs? Send them pictures of dogs you see around your campus. What about a friend who loves good food? Send them a picture of what you’re eating at the new restaurant down the street. No matter what it is, if something reminds you of your friend, make sure you show them. They’re also great conversation starters if you two haven’t talked in a while!


8. Check in on them

Knowing that someone is there for you is so important especially during move in and the busy times of the year. If a friend from home reaches out to check in on how things are doing, it can make a world of a difference! It’s someone you’re already comfortable talking to, so there’s no need to feel intimidated.


9. Let them know when you miss them

It’s always nice to be missed. If you’re stuck in a rut one day, text your friends and tell them you miss them. Chances are, it’ll start a conversation that will cheer you up that you wouldn’t have had if you hadn’t reached out. Plus, they probably miss you too!

It can be scary to try to maintain a friendship from home when you first start college. You’ve never been friends with the person without seeing them every day, maybe sitting with them at lunch, or seeing them in class. But they understand you on a level that no one else does! And if you’re worried that they don’t want to be your friend anymore because you think they found someone “better” at their school, they’re probably feeling the same way about you. Someone needs to reach out first, so why not you?

Katie is a sophomore at the University of Pittsburgh double majoring in Communication and Film and Media, and minoring in French. She loves music & making playlists, cheering on Pittsburgh sports teams, and anything Disney!