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8 Things to Do Instead of Your Work

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Okay, we’ve all been there. A huge paper due soon, three exams on the same day, dishes spilling out of the sink, a pile of laundry big enough to claim citizenship. Sometimes life gets busy and we just can’t be bothered to deal with it. Here are some of my favorite things to do when my highly developed procrastination skills kick into super drive.


1. Clean/Reorganize your room. If you are anything like me, you are the last person to volunteer for cleanup duty. But funnily enough, as soon as there’s a ton of work to get done I turn into a total neat freak. Use those procrastination skills to accomplish something, even if it’s not what actually needs done.


2. Take a really long shower. Relax, get squeaky clean, shave all those little nooks and crannies you may have been neglecting, sing a little song, do a little dance. Just have a little “you” time.


3. Fall into the blackhole that is the Internet. Youtube, Buzzfeed, HerCampus, Tumblr, Netflix. These are all great ways to turn one hour into six.


4. Eat. You cannot possibly do work on an empty stomach. That’s just not right.


5. Plan out some cute outfits. If you feel confident turning that paper in, who cares how you actually did on it…at least that’s what I tell myself.


6. Get Drunk. Enough said.


7. Cry. It’s now 4am. Things are looking grim.


8. Sleep. Time to call it quits, start fresh tomorrow.


Photo Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8


Hi there! I'm Abbie and I am double majoring in non-fiction writing and communications at the University of Pittsburgh. My passions include napping and napping some more. On the off chance that I'm not napping, I'm probably somewhere in the library or chilling out with friends.
Casey Schmauder is a Campus Correspondent and the President of Her Campus at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a senior at Pitt studying English Nonfiction Writing with a concentration in Public and Professional Writing.