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The 7 Disney Characters You Will Date in Your Lifetime

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

We may or may not define most of what we do in terms of Disney, and dating is certainly no exception. After all, Disney tales are the true romance tales that we all were fed as children. I still believe in happily-ever-afters and whole-new-worlds, all thanks to Disney! So here are seven Disney characters that could very well have been reincarnated as your latest conquest or the guy chasing you for a coffee date. See if you recognize any of them!

1. The Elsa

She (or he) will be that person constantly tormented with internal doubt and turmoil – but you won’t find out until she or he decides to just LET IT GO. And be prepared to sit through quite a rant of all his or her woes when the internal swirling storm becomes a blizzard in your face.


2. The Simba

The Simba will always try to run away when confronted with a potential heart-to-heart conversation, particularly one that challenges his decisions or ideals. He might throw a “Hakuna Matata” at you, or try and tell you that responsibilities are overrated, but don’t think he doesn’t care. Well, unless you can clearly tell that he’s trying to wiggle out of a discussion, in which case it might be time to consider pulling a Rafiki and bopping him on the head.


3. The Beast

His self-control might be a cause for worry…or maybe he’s one of those overprotective types. Whichever it is, the Beast is that guy who tails you wherever you go and could probably pass for a stalker if your friends have anything to say about it. Warning: while all turns out for the best for Belle and her Beast – sorry, Prince Adam – if your significant other starts acting all obsessive and tries acting like your jailor, it might be time to re-evaluate your relationship.


4. The Ariel

He or she just wants to be a part of your world. But in the bargain, they might start displaying some needy tendencies; like inviting themselves to a party or deciding to sleep over when you had already made other plans. It’s all innocent love, but we all know how irritating it can be when someone just keeps swimming into your life and clings to you like an anemone to a rock.


5. The Rapunzel

Slightly ditzy, or slightly paranoid? Either way, do not trust him or her with kitchen utensils. Your Rapunzel might be a guy, but he can still display precocious tendencies, such as wanting to go on long walks when you have an exam coming up, or insisting on star gazing in the middle of the winter. But he’s lovable and probably your soulmate, so stick by your Rapunzel regardless!


6. The Genie

He’ll be your dream man, and he’ll make your wishes come true faster than you can churn them out. But he won’t be the happiest man in the world doing so. In fact, if you think you’re dating the Genie, it might be good to check that he doesn’t want out. If you don’t, you might find him distancing himself from you sooner rather than later.


7. The Pinocchio

He means well, don’t get us wrong, but he can’t help but tweak the truth a little ever time he gets excited. It might be for the silliest of things – are you sure he didn’t get a fake stone for that ring? – but he’s appropriately repentant when you call him out on it afterward. Still, unless you’re willing to be his Jiminy Cricket and point him in the right direction, his habitual white lies could turn into a far murkier pot of stew than he had originally envisioned.

Are you dating any of these Disney characters? If not, keep your eyes peeled; there’s sure to be one nearby!

Peace, Love, and Disney!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

I'm a senior at the University of Pittsburgh who loves traveling the world, writing, and college life in general. My majors are Environmental Studies and Biology, but I want to focus on journalism too if possible. I'm super passionate about Model United Nations, of which I am now president (yay!), and the environment. I'm a very happy, enthusiastic person who loves pickles and twizzlers and brightly-colored nailpolish and long dangly earrings, among other things. Her Campus is my favourite website and I'm so excited to be a part of Pitt's campus chapter!
Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt