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5 Unexpected Places to Meet Your Next Guy

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Summer has ended for most of us Pitt students with classes and homework making their way into our lives. And along with the absence of summer comes the absence of summer flings, loves, and maybe even full-on romances. However, the beginning of a new semester means new classes and places where your next potential guy could be waiting for you. While it is nice to imagine a prince charming popping in your life just when you needed him, sometimes a woman has to put a little work into it. Below are some places where guys might be easily approachable and where the only influence on them, is you!

1.       Coffee Shops
These places can be great for meeting guys because usually they are there alone to get some work done. Its way easier and involve
s less pressure approaching a guy by himself than in front of him and a ton of his frat bros. You could ask to search something on his computer to strike up a conversation. If you are feeling bold you could even ask to sit down next to him. He’ll be impressed by your boldness and maybe flattered you took the time to talk to him.
2.       Club/Extracurricular Activities
Not only are school or outside clubs a great way to make friends, but a great way to meet guys as well. Meeting someone at an event or meeting is laid back because everyone there has some intention to interact and meet new people. Also, right off the bat, you and the people there share at least one interest. Plenty of conversations could come up at these places including: How did you get started in…? Have you participated in … before? Etc. Activities or outings facilitated by the club takes the pressure of approaching people off of you as you’ll already be interacting. It’ll be up to you to introduce yourself to take your connections to the next level
3.       Class
As obvious as it may seem, class is a great place to meet guys. I’ve found most of the time people don’t interact much in class, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t possible. The best relationships start in the most subtle ways: ask to borrow a pen or pencil, make a funny comment about something in class, ask him for help with an assignment.
4.       Sports Games
Football season is underway and what better place to go and meet guys, especially when they are in their comfort zone. It may be hard to get their attention during the game, but if you are sitting next to a cute guy take advantage of time outs and breaks throughout the game. Both of you will be (hopefully) rooting for the same team so you’ll have some common ground. If a guy is into sports enough to be at the game, he’ll be impressed with a girl that’s right there cheering, too. Luckily, seating is close together in arenas so there are more opportunities to strike up a conversation. Also, there are enough sports to find a game to go to any time of year, which means finding a guy at any time is possible.
5.       Computer Lab
Once again, this is another opportunity to be in close proximity with a guy. Whatever the guy is there for is a chance to strike up a conversation. I’ve noticed a lot of time people go on facebook while doing their work. You could make a comment about his profile picture or even tease him for being distracted. I’m sure if anything he’ll be glad for another distraction for his work, because let’s face it. Anything to give us a break when doing work is greatly appreciated.

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Mandy is an English and Communication dual major at the University of Pittsburgh. She plans on graduating this April, but decided that she'd finish her last three classes online and move to the big apple for an editorial internship at Ladies' Home Journal. She is a proud Her Campus Pitt member from afar and the previous Editor-in-Chief. When she isn't exploring the city, she enjoys absorbing every TLC show, following news leads on Twitter, or blogging for her Small Girl in NYC Wordpress. She's orginally from Philadelphia and will always have a cheesesteak over a salad. Her previous internships include Entertainment intern for VERVE Management Social Magazine and the editorial/fashion intern for WHIRL Magazine. Magazines are her obsession, but writing is her passion. Follow her on twitter @mandy_velez or send love to her at mandyvelez16 [at] gmail [dot] com.