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12 Halloween Movies You Have to See

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Dear HC readers, please take a moment to procrastinate from midterms, projects, and papers, to focus on you for a change. Halloween is around the corner and with it comes costumes, pumpkins, fright night, and scary movies. This list is compiled of classic, funny, and thriller Halloween movies. I know there are much more, but everyone should see these at least once. So stop being studious and grab your friends for a chilling night.

Hocus Pocus
Hello, it’s a classic! (At least for our generation). Was it just me, or did anyone else have a crush on Thackery Binx (yes it’s Thackery) or Max when they were younger?

Shaun of the Dead
A funny retake on Dawn of the Dead and it does not disappoint. Blood, zombies, and a romance story, what more could you ask for?

The Shining
Stephen King is known for his horror stories and Jack Nicholson had no problem transforming himself into a frightening husband/father onscreen. A haunted hotel mixed with boy who is able to see supernatural presences makes this movie a good choice.

Dale and Tucker vs. Evil
This movie is relatively new and does a phenomenal job of making fun of all the horrible scary movies done in the past. It’s funny and boys will love this one.

Ah, when Disney had actual good movies. Don’t lie, you wished Halloweentown existed in real life as well.

Rocky Horror Picture Show
A cult classic with Tim Curry dressed in drag, is a must see.

Halloween (Original)
A guy running around with a mask and doesn’t ever seem to die would be a problem for anyone. If the music doesn’t creep you out, it will definitely stay in your head after.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (Original)
Further proof that originals are always the best. If you enjoy scary movies, this will definitely meet your needs, as well as shutting up those friends who are scary movie fanatics.

Silence of the Lambs
So not a Halloween movie, but it is a thriller that will get you in the Halloween mood.

Sleepy Hollow
Johnny Depp, enough said.

Who wouldn’t want to run around and catch ghosts? Also makes for a great costume with a group.

The Witches
An 80’s movie for kids, and while it is not scary; it is still an entertaining movie for you and your friends.

Happy Halloween, collegiettes! 

Samantha Saenz is a senior at Pitt. She is a Communication Science and Disorders major with a theatre minor. Sam loves movies and great TV shows and will probably write about it at least 90% of the time. She is in Pitt Ballet Club and has enjoyed her time with the girls from HerCampus Pitt.
Derilyn Devlin graduates from Pitt in April 2012. She is excited to leave the University of Pittburgh Her Campus to Mandy Velez and Claire Peltier as the new campus correspondents.