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10 Things We Were Obsessed With in Middle School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

Remember when you were thirteen years old and thought you were too cool?  You totally rocked those rhinestones and charms on your first flip phone. You probably went to the mall on Friday nights just to hang out with your friends. I bet you even took your first mirror picture with a digital camera looking up, up and away. Here are a few throwbacks we can’t forget about that helped us all get through the most traumatizing awkward stage of our lives!

1. Juicy Couture – When it came to fashion in 2007, everyone was wearing a Juicy Couture tracksuit at least a couple times a week. I know it’s hard to admit, but when you were too lazy to pick out a cute outfit in the morning, the velour or terrycloth hoodie we all once loved most definitely sufficed.


2. AIM – When I think about my pre-teenage days, AOL Instant Messenger is high on my list of things that occupied my life. It was universal. The moment I got home from school, I checked to see if my crush was online on my buddy list. Don’t lie, you did it too! It was basically the present day Facebook or Twitter for our generation. For the first time ever, your “away message” made it normal for others to know what you were up to. Can’t forget your first infamous screen name either!


3. Hilary Duff – Yep, I really was obsessed with Hilary Duff. My cousin and I took a limo to her concert…twice. (Don’t judge me!) I was that kid who blasted her songs from my boom box when I was home alone. Is it bad that I still watch the Lizzie McGuire movie on DVD sometimes?


4. Razr, Env, and Sidekick – I remember getting my first cell phone right before I entered middle school. Like the rest of the world, I was new to texting but quickly became hooked, especially with the advent of the keyboard. If the hot pink Razr wasn’t one of your first cell phones, you were doing it wrong.


5. Lip Smackers – The only colorful, bright, and fun way to get rid of chapped lips!  I carried one of these around with me everywhere I went. I’m not really sure why we were all captivated by this beauty product, but maybe it had to do with the fact that they were flavored.  From candy confetti frosting to pink lemonade cupcake, the list is endless. I wouldn’t mind travelling back in time to try a few of these crazy flavors again!

6. Abercrombie and Fitch – You always knew you were approaching the store because you were able to smell it from across the mall. The piercing aroma that flooded my nose was enough to trick me into buying their signature perfume. I couldn’t help but pick up a t-shirt with the moose logo as well while I was browsing around. With the music blasting and models greeting you at the door, how could you not be a kid in love with Abercrombie?


7. Coach Wristlets – You brought them along to every party or place you got dropped off at with your friends. It was kind of like your first purse as a teenager and one that definitely won’t be forgotten. Even though it was barely big enough to fit more than your phone and a pack of gum, we still used (and enjoyed) them.


8. Old school TV shows – That’s So Raven, Zoey 101, Boy Meets World, The Amanda Show, Hannah Montana… I could keep listing for hours. I wish these shows were still around because I really believe they were a huge part of how I got through some of the most awkward years of my life.

9. Side bangs – We’ve all tested out the hateful side bang during our middle school years. I don’t know why I thought it was okay that they were always so flat against my forehead. Or why they never looked as perfect as the celebrity’s picture I showed my hairstylist. I envy the people who can still pull them off. Never again for me.


10. Boy bands – Last but not least, what’s not to love about a group of young teenage boys singing their hearts out to us? Nothing at all. They were all that we listened to on our first, bulky iPods. And yes, it is still acceptable in my eyes to put on a throwback every once in a while and sing along!


Image Credit: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

Thanks for reading our content! hcxo, HC at Pitt