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10 Great Sources for Quick News Updates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

As college students, we are always on the go. We are checking Instagram while reading over that paper we wrote last night with a book from another class in hand, and in the back of our mind we’re thinking about how much time we have before the next class and if we have time to shower. I believe it’s very important to keep up with the news. I do hate to be cheesy, but the truth is, as the younger generation, we are the future. We are shaping the world we’re in, and if we want to shape it well, we should know where we are and what we’re getting into. However, I can’t say I always read the news. I find it hard to make time, and when I do have time, I’m not sure where to start. So I asked some friends where they get their news fix, and this is what they said: 

I subscribe to Google alerts emails where you can select what keywords you’re interested in, and you’ll get an email each day at whatever time you want that compiles articles related to those keywords. You can do a keyword for a certain country, topic, anything really. – Katie P.


CNN news alerts on my phone. – Ariel B.


NPR! I listen to the news podcasts while I’m getting ready in the morning. Multitasking. – Leah N.


For Pittsburgh related news, I subscribed to EAT THAT, READ THIS. It’s an email that gets sent out every weekday during lunchtime – it’s intended to be easy to read while you are eating lunch. It’s about important things going on in Pittsburgh government, education, events, etc! – Melodi R.


The New York Times. I get updates on my phone of new stories. – Emma H.


To be honest, I go on Facebook and look at the trending posts at the side. – Sarah C.


I like BBC because I feel like they have a lot less bias than American news outlets. Especially about American politics. They also cover more international news than the average newspaper here. – Jess C.


I like KDKA’s Twitter. – Mariah C.


I live and die by The New Yorker. They are a lot more editorialized than most news sources, so expect a very liberal bias. But they’re also incredibly approachable and entertaining. Plus, David Sedaris (my favorite author) contributes occasionally which is just an added bonus. – Lauren F.


The Wall Street Journal, New York Times, and BBC! – Elaine K.


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Casey Schmauder is a Campus Correspondent and the President of Her Campus at the University of Pittsburgh. She is a senior at Pitt studying English Nonfiction Writing with a concentration in Public and Professional Writing. 
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