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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Yes, you read that correctly — Niall Horan is becoming Taylor Swift. She is practically the Queen of Easter Eggs. Her interviews, social media posts, and music videos are riddled with them. On October 4th, Niall released his first single and music video from his new album. Based on the title of this article and what I just said about Taylor Swift, I bet you can guess what he did.  


Check out this video and continue reading for the Easter egg reveals!


For a period of time after the video was released, when the phone number on the napkin at the end of the video (3:14) was called, Niall was on the line to reveal that he had left some Easter eggs — the titles of four new songs.


AUDIO || Niall’s message if you called the number in his MV (323-405-9055) ! #NiceToMeetYa pic.twitter.com/2qGeYGE5dR

— 1D Updates! (@With1DNews) October 4, 2019



“Small Talk”

The first title revealed is “Small Talk.” It was on the taxicab the angel got into (0:47). Just like the phone number on the napkin, when called, the phone number on the cab had Niall on the other line. He not only confirmed that this is one of the Easter eggs, but he played a 30-second teaser of the song. 


AUDIO || Nialls hidden message about ‘Small Talk’ (2) pic.twitter.com/pit5nDu6gq

— 1D Updates! (@With1DNews) October 4, 2019



The second potential title is “Still.” It is spray-painted on a graffiti wall that Niall walks by (1:03).


“Heartbreak Weather”

The third potential title revealed is “Heartbreak Weather.” It was on a poster he walked by right before it started pouring rain (1:14).


“No Judgement”

The final title reveal was one that I needed the Internet’s help for — you blink and you miss it. The swipe of a newspaper acted as a transition, and on that newspaper was the headline “NO JUDGEMENT” (1:35). 



I don’t know about you, but I loved this video, the Easter eggs in particular, and I’m excited for what’s to come! Bring it on, Niall, bring it on.

Hannah Miller

Pepperdine '21

Senior Associate, Integrated Marketing (Activation) at Her Campus Media + former Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus Pepperdine Chapter!