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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

Her Campus Pepperdine is Back! 


While this semester looks different from anything we’ve seen before We are still writing, still posting, still here for you. The community of Her Campus does not only exist when we are on Pepperdine’s campus. 


We are spread out, at home, near campus; just trying to create a space wherever we are so that we can make it through this semester. While remote learning is not what we hoped for going into this year, we know it could be far worse. That does not mean whatever you are feeling about this semester and the world in general is not valid. A blanket statement does not fit everyone; not at HC Pepperdine and not in the greater Pepperdine community either. 


We saw a lot this summer; and a lot is still going on. We have been through a lot; and we still are. 


Our content this semester is for you and we want to know what it is you want to read and see, or write and create if you would like to join our team. Her Campus Pepperdine’s team is just like you, we all have something to say and we all want you to resonate with what we put out. 


I joined HC Pepperdine my freshman year as a writer and then brought it back last year when the chapter became inactive. Why? I had plenty in my schedule already, but I saw HC Pepperdine as something that should stay on campus. As a freshman being a part of it helped me find ways to express myself, it helped me practice my writing skills and find new things to talk about, but most importantly it made me a part of a community that didn’t end at PCH but spread across LA, California, the U.S and the world. 


What I’m trying to say is that you are apart of this community and we aren’t going away. 




Melissa Locke 

Campus Correspondent

Melissa Locke

Pepperdine '21

This is my senior year of college and I'm a Public Relations major with a Creative Writing outside concentration. I was born and raised in So-Cal and love it so much I couldn't go too far. As much as South California is my home, I adore traveling and learning about other cultures. A Disney fan to the core you can find me watching any of their movies, or breaking my bank account at Disneyland, and if not I'll probably be reading, writing, or enjoying the Malibu climate.