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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

To celebrate Earth Week 2021, we asked members of Her Campus Pepperdine how they are sustainable in their daily lives. Here’s what they had to say:


Claire Mullin

“I have been vegan for nearly two years and it has been super gratifying. Being ‘sustainable’ can sound like a really daunting task because it sounds like you need to change everything in order to make any difference. But small actions are impactful too! Modifying my diet to be plant-based has been a really good way to hold myself accountable and be mindful of how my lifestyle habits impact the environment. And vegan food is super tasty so that’s a plus.”


Hope Lockwood

“I’ve been fast fashion free since my sophomore year of high school. I thrift almost all of my clothing and borrow the rest. I’ve been using bar shampoo and conditioner since high school. Since I entered college I’ve tried to live a plastic free life but that’s been hard since being sent home.” 


Rachel Stull

“I do compost at my house, use reusable sandwich bags and a reusable bottle and straw whenever possible!”


Madeline Duvall

“I use a reusable water bottle. It has become my emotional support water bottle. I carry it with me everywhere so I’m always reminded to drink water. It’s been good for my body and for the planet! ”


Mary Buffaloe

“I’ve been a vegetarian for two years now, and I always try to buy clothes second hand, and only get new things when I really need them.”


Rachel Miner

“I carry silicone straws in a little case attached to my keychain, and I use them instead of plastic straws, whether at home or out. They’re super convenient, and they come in fun colors, so they’re really cute too!”


Bella Jacobellis

“I practice sustainability by using a reusable water bottle, staying away from plastic products as much as possible, and using recycled or bamboo products!”


Hannah Miller

“I use silicone bags, a glass water bottle, plastic-free deodorant, and am super conscious about recycling and composting when possible. I’ve completely eliminated dairy from my diet and I’ve reduced the amount of meat I eat. I also rarely buy new clothing, stopped purchasing fast-fashion, and rewear my clothing to reduce the amount of laundry I do.”  


Cassidy Woodward

“I know we need to reduce single use plastic, but I hate the way paper straws taste. So I started carrying around a portable reusable straw, and I invested in some glass straws. There are multiple solutions to sustainability issues in daily life, so find ones that work for you.”


Sophia Mozhui

“I recently started a Depop because I realized I had a lot of clothes which I knew I wouldn’t be wearing, so instead of throwing them out I thought it would be nice to see if anyone else would want them. So in a way I guess I am indirectly recycling clothes.”


Jillian Smith

“I use a metal water bottle to reduce my plastic usage.”


Melissa Locke

“I try to be sustainable in my daily life by reducing my food waste and plastic consumption. I use a food delivery service that takes imperfect food that grocery stores won’t sell and buy the majority of my groceries with it. Because it’s a weekly service I don’t over-purchase, so food doesn’t go to waste. And a lot of their products are delivered without plastic.”


Brittany Weinstock

“I try to avoid fast fashion and instead choose to go thrifting! There’s a lot less clothing waste that way, and I feel better both about saving the environment and my money!”


Emma Thomasson

“I use a reusable water bottle and straw everyday. I also use reusable Keurig cups instead of the disposable ones. I mainly thrift shop and rarely buy anything new from the original store. I also try to use products that are natural and from companies who offer recycling programs and sustainable products!”


Megan Fragola

“I never use plastic water bottles! I carry my Hydro Flask with me everywhere I go and refill it instead of wasting plastic.”


We here at HC Pepperdine are committed to sustainability and are always trying to do more to protect our planet. Hopefully this article has inspired changes you can make in your daily life.

Hannah Miller

Pepperdine '21

Senior Associate, Integrated Marketing (Activation) at Her Campus Media + former Campus Correspondent at the Her Campus Pepperdine Chapter!