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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pepperdine chapter.

There are so many things in life that don’t go according to our wishes. We can’t buy everything we want, we can’t all live in grand mansions, we can’t all date the cutest boy in school, and we can’t know for sure what will happen in the future. However, instead of sulking over the things that we don’t have wouldn’t it be so much better if we just focus on the things that we already have.


We all know in our heads that we should be grateful, but every once in awhile we forget about the things that we do have and start to complain about the things that we don’t have. With these complaints we start to feel sorry for ourselves; therefore turning what could have been a good day into a not so great day.


Here are a few things– if you can’t think of any off the top of your head– that we can be thankful for…

We can give thanks for the food we eat, and if they are serving your favorite dish at the caf that’s another reason for you to be extra grateful.

Also, should I remind you that we live right next to the ocean, and I personally don’t think it’s something you can ever get sick of.

There are some days in college where you just have a clump of assignments all due on the same day, so having a day or even just a few hours of relaxation is something I’m always super grateful for.

For clothes

For friends

For family

There is so much more that I didn’t list!


So next time when things don’t go your way and you are upset and disappointed just think of the little things in our daily lives that we take for granted and remind yourself that you are blessed. By living life with a grateful heart you will always be able to find a reason to smile no matter what situation you are in!